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Temporal for VS Code

Temporal for VS Code

Debug TypeScript workflows by their ID or history file.

Set breakpoints in code or on history events.


Watch the demo or follow these instructions:

  • Install the extension

  • Add a file at src/debug-replayer.ts (or can configure an alternate location):

    import { startDebugReplayer } from "@temporalio/worker"
      workflowsPath: require.resolve("./workflows"),
  • Edit the './workflows' path to match the location of your workflows file

  • Run Temporal: Open Panel (use Cmd/Ctrl-Shift-P to open Command Palette)

  • Enter a Workflow Id or choose a history JSON file

  • Click Start

  • The Workflow Execution will start replaying and hit a breakpoint set on the first event

  • Set breakpoints in Workflow code (the extension uses a replay Worker, so Activity code is not run) or on history events

  • Hit play or step forward

  • To restart from the beginning, click the green restart icon at the top of the screen, or if the debug session has ended, go back to the MAIN tab and Start again



When starting a replay by Workflow Id, the extension downloads the history from the Temporal Server. By default, it connects to a Server running on the default localhost:7233.

To connect to a different Server:

  • Open the SETTINGS tab
  • Edit the Address field
  • If you're using TLS (e.g. to connect to Temporal Cloud), check the box and select your client cert and key


By default, the extension will look for the file that calls startDebugReplayer at src/debug-replayer.ts. To use a different TypeScript or JavaScript file, set the temporal.replayerEntrypoint config:

  • Open or create .vscode/settings.json

  • Add the config field:

      "temporal.replayerEntrypoint": "test/different-file.ts"

Note that the file must be within your project directory so it can find node_modules/.


Thank you to all who have contributed ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜Š. If you'd like to contribute, check out our issues and