Tags: teslamotors/vehicle-command
Allow non-NIST-P256 TLS server keys Fixes a regression in a safety check on the TLS key that prevented the HTTP proxy server from launching. The intended purpose of the safety check is to verify that the user is not using the same key as both a TLS server key and a command-authentication key. The code tries to load the TLS key as a command-authentication key, and then compares it with the actual command-authentication key. If the loading step fails because the TLS key is not a NIST-P256 key, then everything is fine. There's no way it could be being misued. However, a loading failure was being treated as a fatal error.
Fix session info error handling The vehicle sends unsolicited session info when it detects a possible desync with the client, and so the client checks for session info on each message it receives before passing it down the stack. However, the session info mesasge in question could contain a "Key Not Paired" error, and the client would continue trying to process session info messages that contained this error.
Spelling fixes "Recieve" -> "Receive". D'oh! The pkg/connector/ble/ble.go method had both Receive and Recieve methods. Deleting the latter is an API-breaking change, but such changes should be expected in v0.x.x according to Go semantic versioning standards.