Simple integrant autoreloading using hawk, borrowed from duct.
You can use this library to get mount-like hot reloading behaviour for integrant
that will watch for file system changes and fire an integrant.repl/reset
whenever a clojure file change is detected.
It can be used as an alternative to ring's wrap-reload in an integrant system for automatically reloading a server handler without having to manually restart the server (assuming that you've captured the server and/or handler as integrant components).
[com.github.tggreene/integrant-repl-autoreload "0.2.0"]
Or deps.edn:
com.github.tggreene/integrant-repl-autoreload {:mvn/version "0.2.0"}
Require in your dev (or user) namespace:
(ns dev
(:require [integrant.repl :as igr]
[integrant-repl-autoreload.core :as igr-auto]))
Run alongside integrant-repl:
(igr/set-prep! (some system prep))
;; or
(igr-auto/start-auto-reset ["src" "resources"])
Switch back to manual reset:
Copyright © 2021 Tim Greene
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.