Advanced programming in C. Questions done in classroom.
- Check float/double values by casting into char and then checking their values
- 2D array-pointers in detail
- Pascal's Triangle
- kth row of Pascal's Triangle
- Hare tortoise methodology of traversing a linked list
- Reversing a linked list (Iterative and recursive solution)
- Swapping alternate nodes of linked list (Iterative and recursive solution)
- Merge two sorted Linked Lists
- Check if a Linked List is palindromic or not
- Remove Nth node from the end of a linked list
- Partition Of linked list(Interview Bit)
- Rotate linked list(Interview Bit)
- Reorder linked list(Interview Bit)
- Insertion Sort linked list(Interview Bit)
- Add 2 numbers linked list(Interview Bit)
- Remove duplicate value from linked list(Interview Bit)
- Binary Search Recursive and Iteration
- Upper Bound and Lower Bound with binary search
- Square Root by binary search(InterviewBit)
- Allocate Books Google Interview Question(InterviewBit)
- Painter Problem(Interview Bit)
- Power function using binary search(Interview Bit)
- Z value array Algorithm
- Self implementation of strstr(Interview Bit)
- Longest Palindromic String (Dynamic Solution 2D matrix)
- Count and Say (Interview Bit)
- Version number comparison (Interview Bit)
- Infix to Postfix (Interview Bit)
- Trap Water (Interview Bit)
- Equal Stacks (Hackerrank)
- Largest area in a histogram (Interview Bit)
- Top view of Binary Tree (Important Question)
- Morison Inorder Traversal
- Morison Inorder Traversal
- Diameter of Binary tree O(N) solution
- Minimum depth of Binary tree (Interview Bit)
- Equal trees (Interview Bit)
- Mirror image of a binary tree
- Path with maximum sum from root to leaf
- Construct BT from preorder and inorder arrays(Interview Bit)
- Construct BT from postorder and inorder arrays(Interview Bit)
- Find given sum from root to leaf of a Binary Tree(Interview Bit)