The application is deployed on heroku.
You can also browse the API documentation on Postman.
- NodeJS - JavaScript engine for running back end JS code
- MongoDB - Database, cloud service being used is Atlas by MongoDB
- Mongoose - ODM for MongoDB
- ExpressJS - Web Framework used to create API
- Jest and Supertest - Testing framework
- Heroku - For hosting the application
- Graceful Shutdown of the API server, ensures that there is no interruption in request processing of the APIs in case of restart/redeploy.
- Schema declaration using mongoose.
- Request schema validation is done using Joi.
- Typescript could have been used as the language of choice because of a lot of advantages, but because this was a small project I decided to go with JS which also helped in fast development. But I recommend using Typescript for big projects.
file is used to set environment variables...env
example is given in the .env.example file
Following are the instructions to run tests:
To run these tests you should have a running Mongo DB service, add the URL in .env
source .env
npm install
npm test