Hello! I'm Thant Naing, a JavaScript developer with a passion for crafting both static and dynamic web applications. With around 2 years of experience, Iβm a fast learner who thrives on adapting to new challenges and technologies. I aim to deliver efficient, user-friendly web solutions that bring ideas to life through code.
Team collaboration app with simple ui and responseve
Tech Stack: Nextjs, shadcn , Tailwind CSS
sisaung kyawgyiDemo project: link
E-commerce app with simple ui and responseve
Tech Stack: React, Typescript , Tailwind CSS
Demo project: link
Team collaboration app with simple ui and responseve
Tech Stack: React, shadcn-ui , Tailwind CSS
sisaung kyawgyiDemo project: link
hostipal booking app with sample ui , responsive and slider.
Tech Stack: React ,shadcn ,tailwild
Demo project: link
E-commerce app with simple ui and responseve , addtocard ,dele card ,sub total
Tech Stack: React, Tailwind CSS
Demo project: link
Blogs create , search , pagination ,responsive.
Tech Stack: React, Node.js, Express, prisma
Demo project: link
Mobile shopping app with react native ,addtocard,delecard ,subtotal
Tech Stack: React-native ,tailwild
Demo apk (android): https://expo.dev/artifacts/eas/fNGKnjNzGSVqars3bu6z7n.apkWhether you're looking to collaborate on a project, discuss the latest tech trends, or just chat about the art of coding .