improve handleDelete on DeleteList
improve handleDelete on DeleteList
modified DeleteList and firebase so deleteList manages dialog state v…
modified DeleteList and firebase so deleteList manages dialog state v…
add async function on delete list
add async function on delete list
reverse useAuth to its initial version
reverse useAuth to its initial version
update the lang of the html element according to language displayed
update the lang of the html element according to language displayed
finish adding fr and en translation
finish adding fr and en translation
Merge branch 'main' into alert-messages
Merge branch 'main' into alert-messages
Merge branch 'main' into dialogs
Merge branch 'main' into dialogs
Merge branch 'main' into dialogs
Merge branch 'main' into dialogs
changed naming convetion for open state in DeleteList and DeleteItem …
changed naming convetion for open state in DeleteList and DeleteItem …
changed naming convetion for open state in DeleteList and DeleteItem …
changed naming convetion for open state in DeleteList and DeleteItem …
add enum class for response
add enum class for response