This package provides interfaces to Machinekit HAL from ROS. It is expected to realize these benefits:
- Bring real-time control to ROS with Machinekit RTAPI
- Run on inexpensive PC and ARM hardware
- Enable setting up many robot hardware interfaces with configuration only, no programming
- Leverage Machinekit's wide variety of real-time components:
- Hardware drivers: EtherCAT, BeagleBone GPIO, Mesa Electronics AnythingI/O FPGA cards, PC parallel port
- Motor control: quadrature encoders, step/direction, PWM generators, PID controllers
- Arithmetic: limit position/velocity/acceleration, scale/offset, low-pass filter, derivative/integral, multiplexer
- Logic: and/or/xor/not, look-up tables, debouncer, flip-flop
- And many more, plus simple tools to write custom components in C
This package provides two main HAL components for interfacing with
ROS, plus infrastructure to configure and run the system. The
HAL RT component enables robot joint control by
extending ros_control_boilerplate
. The
user component (non-real-time) enables simple robot I/O by
connecting HAL input and output pins with std_msgs
publishers and
subscribers, respectively.
The hal_hw_interface
HAL component is a ROS
implementation for controlling robot
joints in a real-time context.
The hardware interface is a subclass of Dave Coleman's
hardware interface. The C++ HAL integration
was done following examples by Bas de Bruijn and Mick Grant of the
Machinekit project. The control loop runs in a HAL thread, and its
design is inspired by the
and related
discussion. The hal_mgr
ROS node, which starts
up the RTAPI and HAL apparatus, is based on Alexander Roessler's
The hal_io
HAL user (non-realtime) component publishes and
subscribes to ROS std_msgs
topics with values read from and written
to robot I/O HAL pins. The HAL_BIT
, HAL_S32
HAL pin value types correspond to Bool
, Float64
, Int32
and UInt32
messages from ROS std_msgs
- Machinekit
- Required by all components
- Install Machinekit from packages or source on a PC by following instructions on that site.
- A real-time kernel, either RT_PREEMPT or Xenomai
- Required by Machinekit for low-latency control
- See the
packages available in Debian Stretch.
- ros_control_boilerplate
- Required by the
- Required by the
- redis_store
- Required by the
- Required by the
- redis_store_msgs
- Required by
- Required by
- The
package from gazebo_ros_demos- Required by
to run thehal_rrbot_control
demo - Follow the notes in the
to install this.
- Required by
- Demo run additional dependencies:
- If complaints about missing libraries run
sudo ldconfig /opt/ros/noetic/lib/
- add joint packages:
sudo apt install ros-noetic-joint-state-controller/focal ros-noetic-joint-trajectory-controller/focal
- add missing python modules:
sudo pip install redis
sudo pip install future
- for halscope
sudo apt install machinekit-hal-unmanaged-components/focal
- If complaints about missing libraries run
The hal_rrbot_control
package contains two demos: one for
and one for hal_io
This demo runs the ros_control_boilerplate
"RRBot" two joint
revolute-revolute robot demo with HAL. It is meant to show how simple
it can be to build a ros_control
hardware interface with HAL, and to
serve as an example for creating your own.
It also demonstrates the hal_io
user component. A simple gripper
URDF is added, and a hal_io
service pin open the gripper when
and closes when False
Run the simulated hardware interface:
roslaunch hal_rrbot_control hal_rrbot_simulation.launch
# Debugging: append `hal_debug_output:=1 hal_debug_level:=5`
Run halscope
to visualize HAL joint commands and feedback; in the
GUI, set the "Run Mode" to "Roll" for continuous updating:
halscope -i hal_rrbot_control/config/hal_hw_interface.halscope
The rviz and simulated trajectories are launched identically to the
roslaunch hal_rrbot_control rrbot_visualize.launch
roslaunch hal_rrbot_control rrbot_test_trajectory.launch
Open and close the gripper with the ROS service:
rosservice call /rrbot/hal_io/gripper_cmd True
rosservice call /rrbot/hal_io/gripper_cmd False
To configure the hal_hw_interface
and hal_io
components, use the
sample configuration in the hal_rrbot_control
package as a
starting point.
The hal_mgr
python script is launched as a ROS node, and performs
simple management of the HAL life cycle:
- At startup,
- Start the RTAPI real time services
- Load a HAL configuration from a list of HAL files
- While running, spin until receiving a shutdown signal from ROS
- On shutdown, stop HAL and RTAPI and exit
The HAL configuration is specified as a list of HAL files to load from
the halfiles
directory in the hal_mgr/hal_files
ROS parameter.
The files may be either legacy .hal
files or python scripts.
See the config/hal_hw_interface.yaml
and config/hal_io.yaml
in hal_rrbot_control
for typical configuration examples.
When the hal_mgr completes loading the HAL files, it sets 'hal_mgr/ready' topic to true. Other processes can use this topic to check the status loading the HAL configuration.
A hal_hw_interface
configuration builds on an existing
configuration. The
configuration file,
, defines joints and controllers; the
section is unneeded, since the control loop
runs in a HAL thread.
The config/hal_hw_interface.yaml
ROS parameter file loads the
file. That file defines a new
HAL thread, loads the hal_hw_interface
component, and adds it to the
thread. It then sets up limit3
components for each joint to limit
position, velocity and acceleration, and connects them to the
command and feedback signals.
Because the hal_hw_interface
component is installed outside the
standard HAL component directory, its full path must be provided using
environment variable: loadrt $(COMP_DIR)/hal_hw_interface
When the hal_hw_interface
component loads, it creates six HAL pins
for each joint: three command output pins and three feedback input
pins for each of position, velocity and effort. On the ROS side, it
sets up the hardware interface and controller manager. The HAL file
adds its ros_control update()
function to a real-time HAL thread,
and once the thread is started, the function runs in a low-latency
loop at the frequency configured for the thread.
The hal_io
user (non-real-time) component loads its configuration
from the ROS parameter server. See the example config/hal_io.yaml
configuration file. It supports the four HAL data types: FLOAT
, U32
and BIT
, connecting them to ROS std_msgs
, Int32
, UInt32
and Bool
messages, respectively. The
configuration has three main parameters:
: The main loop publisher update frequency in Hz (float)hal_io/input
: A dictionary of pin-name keys to HAL input pin type values; e.g.{ "door_open" : "BIT" }
creates a HAL input pinhal_io.door_open
, and publishesBool
messages to the topichal_io/door_open
at theupdate_rate
: A dictionary of pin-name keys to lists of (type, topic) values; e.g.{ "request_tool_num" : [ "U32", "robot_io/request_tool_num"] }
creates a HAL output pinhal_io.request_tool_num
and sets its value fromUInt32
messages subscribed to from the topicrobot_io/request_tool_num
- Expose joint limits through pins