I'm Rishi, A 17yo High Schooler with a knack for tech
- 🔭 I’m currently working on A collection of Super Smash Bros Professional Players
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Python and Go
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Open Source Projects
- 👨💻 All my projects are available at Github
- ⚡ Fun fact: I ❤️ 🐶s and Love gaming on my Nintendo Switch.
- 📝 Committed to a private repo
- 🗑️ Deleted a branch
in thegreatsourcerer/github-actions - 📝 Committed to thegreatsourcerer/github-actions
- 🔀 Merged PR #2 in thegreatsourcerer/github-actions
- 📥 Opened PR #2 in thegreatsourcerer/github-actions
- 📝 Committed to thegreatsourcerer/github-actions
- ➕ Created a new branch
in thegreatsourcerer/github-actions - 📝 Committed to thegreatsourcerer/github-actions
- 🗑️ Deleted a branch
in thegreatsourcerer/github-actions - 📝 Committed to thegreatsourcerer/github-actions