executive-orders-pdf Public
This project automates the process of downloading and merging all executive orders from a specified URL into a single PDF document.
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 10, 2025 -
rayhunter Public
Forked from EFForg/rayhunterRust tool to detect cell site simulators on an orbic mobile hotspot
Rust GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 7, 2025 -
Security-Copilot Public
Forked from Azure/Security-CopilotMicrosoft Security Copilot is a generative AI-powered security solution that helps increase the efficiency and capabilities of defenders to improve security outcomes at machine speed and scale, whi…
PowerShell MIT License UpdatedFeb 27, 2025 -
puppeteer-extra-plugin-human-typing Public
Forked from 0x7357/puppeteer-extra-plugin-human-typingJavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 7, 2025 -
jailbreak_llms Public
Forked from verazuo/jailbreak_llms[CCS'24] A dataset consists of 15,140 ChatGPT prompts from Reddit, Discord, websites, and open-source datasets (including 1,405 jailbreak prompts).
awesome-censys-queries Public
A collection of fascinating and bizarre Censys Search Queries
kali-pinephone Public
Forked from Shubhamvis98/kali-pinephoneKali Linux Phosh for PinePhone/Pro and other QCOM Mainlined Devices
maltrail Public
Forked from stamparm/maltrailMalicious traffic detection system
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 16, 2024 -
iOSRestrictionBruteForce Public
Forked from yuejd/ios_Restriction_PassCode_Crack---Python-versionCrack iOS Restriction Passcodes with Python
DEFCON-32-BadgeFirmware Public
Forked from jaku/DEFCON-32-BadgeFirmware -
unifi-ddns Public
Forked from willswire/unifi-ddnsCloudflare DDNS (Dynamic DNS) support for UniFi OS
ICS-honeypot-identification Public
Forked from zh250/ICS-honeypot-identificationThe ML source code and dataset of my Mastter dissertation "A Research and Implementation of Machine Learning Based Open-source Virtual Industrial Control System Honeypots Identification"
httpx Public
Forked from projectdiscovery/httpxhttpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit that allows running multiple probes using the retryablehttp library.
CloudBunny Public
Forked from Warflop/cloudbunnyCloudBunny is a tool to capture the real IP of the server that uses a WAF as a proxy or protection. In this tool we used three search engines to search domain information: Shodan, Censys and Zoomeye.
eyedentity Public
Eyedentity - Project for ARTLAB at the Hirshhorn Museum
retroShot Public
Can you guess what year this picture was taken?
proxychains Public
Forked from haad/proxychainsproxychains - a tool that forces any TCP connection made by any given application to follow through proxy like TOR or any other SOCKS4, SOCKS5 or HTTP(S) proxy. Supported auth-types: "user/pass" fo…
libssh-scanner Public
Forked from jobroche/libssh-scannerScript to identify hosts vulnerable to CVE-2018-10933
hilbert-chart Public
Forked from vasturiano/hilbert-chartHilbert space-filling curve chart
mitaka Public
Forked from ninoseki/mitakaA browser extension for OSINT search
git-censys-import-host Public
Forked from ycamper/git-censys-import-hostA dumb little script to GITize host history from Censys
Python UpdatedOct 19, 2023 -
eyedentity-client Public
The client for thehappydinoa/eyedentity
theHarvester Public
Forked from laramies/theHarvesterE-mails, subdomains and names Harvester - OSINT
block-search-engines Public
Forked from maeelzzz/block-search-enginesBlock search engines like Shodan or Censys
GasPot Public
Forked from sjhilt/GasPotGasPot Released at Blackhat 2015
Twittersploit Public archive
Forked from sociosploit/TwittersploitRemote Access Trojan that uses Twitter Direct Messaging for Command and Control
prosody-docker Public
Forked from prosody/prosody-dockerDocker image building system for the Prosody XMPP server