fix(build): Set correct final permissions on intermediary shell compl…
fix(build): Set correct final permissions on intermediary shell compl…
chore: Fix typos throughout code base
chore: Fix typos throughout code base
fix(gha): Stop forcing all GH Action runs to install-dist
fix(gha): Stop forcing all GH Action runs to install-dist
chore(tooling): Update conventional-commit scopes
chore(tooling): Update conventional-commit scopes
chore(tooling): Flesh out file types for editorconfig
chore(tooling): Flesh out file types for editorconfig
feat(rules): Make output compression more easily configurable
feat(rules): Make output compression more easily configurable
chore(rules): Boost ZSTD compression level closer to XZ
chore(rules): Boost ZSTD compression level closer to XZ
chore(rules): Change default dist compression to ZSTD
chore(rules): Change default dist compression to ZSTD
ci(actions): Keep new releases from being made for non-semver GH Acti…
ci(actions): Keep new releases from being made for non-semver GH Acti…
feat(actions): Make it easier to override input arguments from workflows
feat(actions): Make it easier to override input arguments from workflows
Force push
feat(actions): Make it easier to override input arguments from workflows
feat(actions): Make it easier to override input arguments from workflows
feat(rules): Output detected family names to GitHub Actions
feat(rules): Output detected family names to GitHub Actions
ci(actions): Include more possible workflows in versioning trigger
ci(actions): Include more possible workflows in versioning trigger
chore(docker): Drop unnecessary autoconf-archive from build deps
chore(docker): Drop unnecessary autoconf-archive from build deps
ci(actions): Fix trigger to get v0/latest tags on automated releases
ci(actions): Fix trigger to get v0/latest tags on automated releases
fix(build): Inform autotools of the new location for packaged shell s…
fix(build): Inform autotools of the new location for packaged shell s…
ci(actions): Combine test builds and release workflow
ci(actions): Combine test builds and release workflow