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- bigspring-astro-strapi Public
- astrofront-astro Public template
AstroJS-Powered Shopify Storefront Boilerplate with TailwindCSS and Nanostores.
- meghna-hugo Public template
Meghna Hugo is a responsive, minimalist, lightweight, and fast loading one-page business theme built with HTML5/CSS3, Hugo, JavaScript, and JQuery.
- infinity-hugo Public template
Infinity is a responsive, modern and clean free construction theme powered by Bootstrap4 and Hugo. This minimal template is packed with a countdown timer, contact form, about section where you can write a little bit about yourself and also feature section.
- restaurant-hugo Public template
The restaurant is a creative and responsive restaurant website theme in Hugo environment. It is very well decorated theme which will make your website building easier.
- timer-hugo Public template
Timer is a personal portfolio theme powered by Hugo. It also can be use as a landing page theme.
- navigator-hugo Public template
Navigator Business theme powered by Hugo. It also could be used for a personal portfolio.
- kross-hugo Public template
Kross is a creative, sleek and modern personal portfolio Hugo theme with a gorgeous appearance.
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