Upgrade phpunit to a version compatible with PHP 8.4
Upgrade phpunit to a version compatible with PHP 8.4
feat: Adds methods in Progress to return the current value and total …
feat: Adds methods in Progress to return the current value and total …
Pull request merge
Remove deprecated functions
Remove deprecated functions
Force push
Remove deprecated functions
Remove deprecated functions
Force push
Tidy up the default TestCase class
Tidy up the default TestCase class
Import classes rather than using fully qualfied strings
Import classes rather than using fully qualfied strings
Avoid global fallback for mocking built in functions
Avoid global fallback for mocking built in functions
Avoid global fallback for mocking built in functions
Avoid global fallback for mocking built in functions
Force push
Avoid global fallback for mocking built in functions
Avoid global fallback for mocking built in functions
Force push
Avoid global fallback for mocking built in functions
Avoid global fallback for mocking built in functions
Organise the tests into folders matching the classes they test
Organise the tests into folders matching the classes they test
Remove deprecated functions
Remove deprecated functions
Force push
Remove deprecated functions
Remove deprecated functions
Force push
Cast to bool only if Argument noValue is true
Cast to bool only if Argument noValue is true
PHP 8.1 deprecation fixes
PHP 8.1 deprecation fixes
Force push
PHP 8.1 deprecation fixes
PHP 8.1 deprecation fixes
Force push
Add support for PHP 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4
Add support for PHP 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4
Force push
Ensure usleep() always receives an integer
Ensure usleep() always receives an integer
Force push