- Last updated: 2025-03-09T19:21:53Z
- Generator: thi.ng/monopub
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Only versions published since 2022-01-01 are listed here. Please consult the Git history for older version information. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
Note: Unlisted patch versions only involve non-code or otherwise excluded changes and/or version bumps of transitive dependencies.
8.11.3 (2024-06-21)
- rename various rest args to be more semantically meaningful (8088a56)
- enforce uniform naming convention of internal functions (56992b2)
8.11.0 (2024-04-20)
- add Maybe type alias, refactor related (0777d33)
8.10.0 (2024-04-08)
8.9.0 (2023-08-04)
- add generics for Event & INotify (7702882)
- add basic utility functions: identity, always, never (4801e2d)
- add generics for INotify, Event, Listener types (dd0a6ed)
- add IIDGen interface (26cf9d1)
8.8.0 (2023-04-19)
- add typedArrayOfVec() (39307bf)
8.7.0 (2023-02-05)
- add narrow/widenType() fns (5ce9938)
8.6.0 (2022-12-16)
- add SomeRequired type alias (ff28e71)
8.5.0 (2022-11-28)
- add boolean result for INotifiy.notify(), update mixin (f4cb33a)
8.4.5 (2022-11-01)
- off-by-one error for BIT_SHIFTS LUT (f64) (dae2279)
8.4.0 (2022-08-15)
- add i64/u64 support for typed arrays (0bb5277)
- add various 64bit bigint related types & lookups
- update sizeOf()
- update typedArray()