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- About
- Parser
- Heading with anchor {#custom-id-123}
- Serializer (Hiccup to Markdown)
- Status
- Related packages
- Installation
- Dependencies
- Usage examples
- Authors
- License
Markdown parser & serializer from/to Hiccup format. This is a support package for
This package provides both a customizable Markdown-to-Hiccup parser and an extensible Hiccup-to-Markdown converter.
Sadly, none of the available Markdown flavors have ever been designed with much consistency and/or ease-of-implementation/parsing aspects in mind. The result is a proliferation of Markdown-ish flavors, even though there've been attempts to standardize the syntax.
The parser provided here is not aimed at supporting all of Markdown's (or CommonMark's) quirky syntax features, but restricts itself to a large sane subset of features and some useful additional features not part of the standard/common syntax.
Feature | Comments |
Blockquotes | Nestable, support for inline formatting and forced line breaks (trailing backslash) |
Code blocks | GFM style only (triple backtick prefix), w/ mandatory language hint & optional extra headers information |
Escaping | Uniformly escape MD control characters via backslash, e.g. \* |
Formatting | Nestable inline formats supported in paragraphs, headings, link labels, lists, blockquotes, tables: |
bold, italic, code , |
Key, subscript and super | |
Footnotes | Supported and stored separately in parse context for further processing |
Headings | ATX-style only (# line prefix), optional anchor ID (via {#custom-id} suffix), levels 1-6 then fallback to paragraph |
Horiz. Rulers | Only dash supported (e.g. --- ), min 3 chars required, length retained for downstream transformations |
HTML elements | Only <kbd> , <sub> <sup> |
Images | Alt text is required, image can be used in link labels, optional title suffix |
Links | Supports [label](target) , [label][ref] , [[page id]] or [[page id|label]] style links, inline formats in label |
Lists | Ordered & unordered, nestable, inline formatting, line breaks, GFM todo list items |
Paragraphs | Support for forced line breaks (trailing backslash) |
Tables | Support for column alignments, nestable inline formatting (no nested block elements) |
Please visit the interactive Markdown parser/editor playground for further details/examples...
In addition to the mandatory language hint, code blocks support optional user defined headers/metadata. Items will be separated by spaces (e.g. see for concrete use cases).
(Note: the GFM codeblock fences are only shown escaped here to avoid GH layout breakage)
\`\`\`language extra=data even=more
// code...
Since the parser does not directly transform Markdown into HTML, blocks of
custom freeform content can be used to define arbitrary data structures (e.g. UI
components, diagrams/visualizations etc.). Similarly to code blocks, custom
blocks are wrapped with :::
and a type specifier:
:::csv some=optional extra=data
new york,40.6943,-73.9249
How such a custom block is transformed is entirely down to the user provided tag transformer. The default handler merely creates an element like this:
{ type: "csv", __head: [ "some=optional", "extra=data" ] },
"city,lat,lon\nberlin,52.5167,13.3833\nnew york,40.6943,-73.9249\ntokyo,35.6897,139.6922"
Tip: Use a
polymorphic function as tag transformer to elegantly handle multiple types of
custom blocks (in an easily extensible manner).
Unlike the weird & hard-to-memorize escape rules in "standard" Markdown, here
we're taking a more uniform approach of exclusively using backslash escapes
(e.g. \*
) to ensure various Markdown control characters are used verbatim.
Only the following minor exceptions apply:
- In inline code sections only backticks (```) need to be escaped and backslashes can be escaped. All others chars are used as is.
- In fenced code blocks only backticks can be escaped (e.g. if escaping the triple-backtick block fence itself). Backslashes and others chars are used as is.
- In custom blocks only colons (
) can be escaped (e.g. if escaping the triple-colon block fence itself). All other chars are used as is. - In metadata blocks only
can be escaped. All other chars are used as is.
To avoid ambiguity and simplify nesting, only the following formatting syntax is supported for bold & italic:
(`) andstrikethrough(~~
) as usual...<kbd>
for keyboard shortcuts (e.g. Control)<sub>
for subscript<sup>
for superscript
The parser supports {#custom-id}
-style line suffixes for headings, which are
passed as separate anchorID
param to the element handlers. If not specified in
the Markdown source, the parser auto-generates this ID (with no uniqueness
guarantee) based on
slugifying the
heading's body content (Github readme compatible):
# The **beautiful `code`**
## Heading with anchor {#custom-id-123}
Results in:
// [
// [
// "h1",
// { id: "the-beautiful-code" },
// "The ",
// [ "strong", {}, "beautiful ", [ "code", {}, "code" ] ]
// ],
// [ "h2", { id: "custom-id-123" }, "Heading with anchor" ]
// ]
Alt text for images is required. Optional title
attribute (e.g. for hover
tooltip or caption) can be given in quotes after the image URL. For example:

The following link formats are supported:
[label](target "title")
- the reference ID will have to provided somewhere else in the document or pre-defined via options given to the parser[[page name]]
- Wiki-style page reference, non-standard Markdown[[page name|label]]
- like 4., but with added link label
- Ordered and unordered lists are supported
- Fully nestable
- Ordered lists start with a
(digit or letter followed by a dot) prefix - Unordered lists must use a
line prefix - TODO list items
- ...are supported as well
Arbitrary metadata can be assigned to any block level element:
- code blocks
- custom blocks
- footnotes
- headings
- lists
- paragraphs
- tables
This metadata is given within a block element itself which must directly precede the target element (no empty lines in between). A custom tag handler can be defined to transform that metadata before it's being handed to the target's tag handler.
{{{ Hello metadata }}}
- item 1
- item 2
Using the default tag handlers, this snippet will translate to:
{ __meta: "Hello metadata" },
[ "li", {}, "item 1" ],
[ "li", {}, "item 2" ]
Using structured data as body of these metadata blocks is more powerful and (as mentioned above) can be dealt with using a custom tag handler, e.g. here we interpret the body as JSON:
"task:status": "waiting-on",
"task:due": "2023-02-28"
# Chapter 3
parse(src, { tags: { meta: (_, body) => JSON.parse(body) }}).result
// [
// [
// "h1",
// { id: "chapter-3", __meta: { "task:status": "waiting-on", "task:due": "2023-02-28" } },
// "Chapter 3"
// ]
// ]
interface defines transformation functions for all supported elements and can be
used to completely customize the parser's result data. User implementations can
be given to the parse()
function to selectively customize/override
Example with custom link elements:
import { parse, type TagTransforms } from "";
const tags: Partial<TagTransforms> = {
link: (ctx, href, body) => ["", { href }, ...body]
// parse with custom tag transform overrides
parse("[label](url)", { tags }).result;
// [
// ["p", {}, ["", { href: "url" }, "label"]]
// ]
import { serialize } from "";
import { parse } from "";
const src = `# Hello world\n[This is a _test_]( :smile:`;
// convert to hiccup tree
// [
// [ "h1", { id: "hello-world" }, "Hello world" ],
// [
// "p",
// {},
// [
// "a",
// { href: "" },
// "This is a ",
// [ "em", {}, "test" ]
// ],
// " ",
// "😄"
// ]
// ]
// or serialize to HTML
// <h1 id="hello-world">Hello world</h1><p><a href="">This is a <em>test</em></a> 😄</p>
For the reverse operation, the serialize()
function can be used to
convert an hiccup component tree into Markdown. Currently supports most
standard (applicable) Markdown features:
- ATX-style headings (level 1-6)
- Paragraphs
- Forced line breaks
- Inline styles: strong, italic, code
- Images (w/ optional alt attrib)
- Links, image links
- Code blocks w/ language hint (GFM output)
- Tables
- Blockquotes
- Nested lists (ordered & unordered)
- Horizontal rule / separator
- Inline HTML
Not (yet) supported:
- Nested blockquotes
- Link refs
- Wordwrapped output
- Unless needed for serialization, all other hiccup element attribs are ignored
- Code blocks are always output in GFM flavor w/ optional language hint
attrib) - Images use the optional
attrib as label - Forced line breaks are realized via
elements in the hiccup tree - Headings, blockquotes, list items and link labels can contain inline formatting
Also, other element types can be supported by adding a new tag specific
implementation to the exported serializeElement
See source code for reference.
import { serialize } from "";
// list component
// the 1st arg is the optional user context object
// passed to `serialize()` (ignored here)
// the 2nd arg is the list tag (ul/ol)
// rest args are converted to list items
const list = (_, type, ...xs) =>
[type, => Array.isArray(x) ? x : ["li", x])];
// code block component w/ lang hint
const codeblock = (_, lang, body) =>
["pre", { lang }, ["code", body]];
// link component for URLs
const thingLink = (_, id, label) =>
["a", { href: `${id}` }, label];
// Note: the same hiccup tree can be serialized to HTML via or
// used interactively in the browser w/
["h1", "Hello Markdown"],
"This is a test: ",
["strong", "I am strong and ", ["em", "italic"]],
// anon component fn to demo context lookup
[(ctx) => ["p", `My magic number is: ${ctx.magic}`]],
// codeblock w/ language hint
[codeblock, "ts",
`import { serialize } from "";`],
// nested lists
[list, "ul",
[list, "ol", "b1", "b2", "b3"],
"So long and thanks for all the fish."],
["caption", ["em", "Table #1"]],
["tr", ["th", "ID"], ["th", "Name"]]],
["tr", ["td", 1], ["td", "Alice B. Charles"]],
["tr", ["td", 2], ["td", "Bart Simpson"]]]],
"More info ",
[thingLink, "hiccup-markdown", "here"], "."]],
// optional context object passed to all component functions
{ magic: 42 }
Resulting Markdown:
(Note: the GFM codeblock fences are only shown escaped here to avoid GH layout breakage)
# Hello Markdown
This is a test: **I am strong and _italic_**...
My magic number is: 42
import { serialize } from "";
- foo
- bar
1. b1
2. b2
3. b3
- baz
> So long and thanks for all the fish.
| **ID** | **Name** |
| 1 | Alice B. Charles |
| 2 | Bart Simpson |
_Table #1_
More info [here](
Realized result:
This is a test: I am strong and italic...
My magic number is: 42
import { serialize } from "";
- foo
- bar
- b1
- b2
- b3
- baz
So long and thanks for all the fish.
ID | Name |
1 | Alice B. Charles |
2 | Bart Simpson |
Table #1
More info here.
STABLE - used in production
Search or submit any issues for this package
- - Markdown table formatter/generator with support for column alignments
yarn add
ESM import:
import * as md from "";
Browser ESM import:
<script type="module" src=""></script>
For Node.js REPL:
const md = await import("");
Package sizes (brotli'd, pre-treeshake): ESM: 4.62 KB
Note: is in most cases a type-only import (not used at runtime)
Two projects in this repo's /examples directory are using this package:
Screenshot | Description | Live demo | Source |
![]() |
Markdown to Hiccup to HTML parser / transformer | Demo | Source |
![]() |
Responsive image gallery with tag-based Jaccard similarity ranking | Demo | Source |
If this project contributes to an academic publication, please cite it as:
title = "",
author = "Karsten Schmidt",
note = "",
year = 2018
© 2018 - 2025 Karsten Schmidt // Apache License 2.0