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- Benchmarks
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Generic trie-based router with support for wildcards, route param validation/coercion, auth.
- Not bound to any environment, usable on both client & server side
- Declarative route definitions, incl. wildcards for matching rest args
- Parametric routes, each param with optional value coercion & validation
- Route authentication handler to enable/disable routes based on other state factors
- Fallback route redirect
- Enforced initial route (optional)
- Route formatting (with params & rest args)
- Optional HTML5 history & hash fragment support
STABLE - used in production
Search or submit any issues for this package
- - Lightweight vanilla ES6 UI component trees with customizable branch-local behaviors
- - Lightweight, reactive, VDOM-less UI/DOM components with async lifecycle and compatible
yarn add
ESM import:
import * as rou from "";
Browser ESM import:
<script type="module" src=""></script>
Package sizes (brotli'd, pre-treeshake): ESM: 1.93 KB
Note: is in most cases a type-only import (not used at runtime)
Two projects in this repo's /examples directory are using this package:
Screenshot | Description | Live demo | Source |
![]() |
Basic usage with components | Demo | Source |
![]() |
Complete mini SPA app w/ router & async content loading | Demo | Source |
import {
} from "";
import { isUUID } from "";
// router configuration
const config: HTMLRouterOpts = {
// use hash fragment for routes
useFragment: true,
// fallback route (when no other matches)
default: "home",
// optional enforced route when router starts
initial: "home",
// Optional route path component separator. Default: `/`
separator: "/",
// Route prefix. Default: `/` (or `#/` if `useFragment` is enabled).
// All routes to be parsed by `route()` are assumed to have this prefix.
// All routes returned by `format()` will include this prefix.
prefix: "#/",
// actual route defs
// An array of route specs which route input strings will be matched against.
// Given routes will be pre-processed and stored in a Trie for fast matching.
// Additional routes can be dynamically added at a later time via .addRoutes()
routes: [
// each route MUST have an ID
id: "home",
// this array defines the route path items
match: "/home",
id: "user-profile",
// this rule is parametric
// variable items are prefixed with `?`
match: "/users/?id",
// coercion & validation handlers for "?id" param
// coercion fn is applied BEFORE validator
validate: {
id: {
coerce: (x) => parseInt(x),
check: (x) => x > 0 && x < 100,
id: "image",
// this route has 2 params and matches (for example):
// "/images/07a9d87b-c07a-42e3-82cf-baea2f94facc/xl"
match: "/images/?id/?size",
validate: {
id: {
check: (x) => isUUID(x),
size: {
check: (x) => /^(s|m|l|xl)$/.test(x),
id: "group-list",
// matches only: "/users" or "/images"
match: "/?type",
validate: {
type: {
check: (x) => /^(users|images)$/.test(x),
// `HTMLRouter` ONLY works in browser environments
// for non-browser use cases use `Router`
const router = new HTMLRouter(config);
router.addListener(EVENT_ROUTE_CHANGED, console.log);
The below benchmarks are ported from router-benchmark, showing highly competitive results for this package. The benchmark itself can be run from the repo root like so:
bun packages/router/bench/index.ts
benchmarking: short static
warmup... 133.48ms (0.1 runs)
total: 113.79ms, runs: 1 (@ 1 calls/iter)
freq: 8788202.11 ops/sec
benchmarking: static with same radix
warmup... 166.98ms (0.1 runs)
total: 161.89ms, runs: 1 (@ 1 calls/iter)
freq: 6176873.20 ops/sec
benchmarking: dynamic route
warmup... 378.30ms (0.1 runs)
total: 374.80ms, runs: 1 (@ 1 calls/iter)
freq: 2668082.83 ops/sec
benchmarking: mixed static dynamic
warmup... 344.19ms (0.1 runs)
total: 340.33ms, runs: 1 (@ 1 calls/iter)
freq: 2938310.18 ops/sec
benchmarking: long static
warmup... 326.61ms (0.1 runs)
total: 327.84ms, runs: 1 (@ 1 calls/iter)
freq: 3050259.51 ops/sec
benchmarking: wildcard
warmup... 207.84ms (0.1 runs)
total: 207.49ms, runs: 1 (@ 1 calls/iter)
freq: 4819484.22 ops/sec
benchmarking: all together
warmup... 1525.05ms (0.1 runs)
total: 1532.24ms, runs: 1 (@ 1 calls/iter)
freq: 652640.66 ops/sec
If this project contributes to an academic publication, please cite it as:
title = "",
author = "Karsten Schmidt",
note = "",
year = 2014
© 2014 - 2025 Karsten Schmidt // Apache License 2.0