Thiago Rider Augusto thiagorider
- Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil
- 3h behind -
- in/thiagorider
- @thiago_rider
kong-api-gateway-quickstart Public
Forked from fabiano-amaral/kong-api-gateway-quickstartConfigurações de Docker Compose para uma arquitetura Kong completa e extensível, facilitando a gestão e escalabilidade de APIs. O projeto inclui separação de responsabilidades entre Control Plane e…
Dockerfile MIT License UpdatedJan 23, 2025 -
Kubestronaut Public
Anotações de estudos e referências para os exames Kubernetes 👨🏻🚀 (KCNA + KCSA + CKA + CKAD + CKS)
GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 15, 2025 -
Kubernetes automated tasks
vagrant-kubeadm-kubernetes Public
Forked from techiescamp/vagrant-kubeadm-kubernetesVagrantfile & Scripts to setup Kubernetes Cluster using Kubeadm for CKA, CKAD and CKS practice environment
argocd-dr-cronjob-eks Public
Forked from brunomartins84/argocd-dr-cronjob-eksArgoCD Disaster Recovery Cronjob EKS
glossary Public
Forked from cncf/glossaryThe CNCF Cloud Native Glossary Project aims to define cloud native concepts in clear and simple language, making them accessible to anyone — whether they have a technical background or not (https:/…
git-workshop Public
Forked from lucianopf/git-workshopProjeto de workshop básico de git
smart-sdlc Public
Forked from GoogleCloudPlatform/smart-sdlcSet of tools to implement an AI workflow on your SDLC
go-gcp-pubsub Public
Forked from rlanhellas/go-gcp-pubsubUsando GCP Pub/Sub cem Go
CapabilityPE Public
Forked from AdminTurnedDevOps/CapabilityPEPlatform Engineering capabilities and stacks installed with one command
iptables-viz Public
Forked from iptables-viz/iptables-vizA simple and scalable iptables visualisation tool which can integrate across Kubernetes and Linux.
kubeeye Public
Forked from kubesphere/kubeeyeKubeEye aims to find various problems on Kubernetes, such as application misconfiguration, unhealthy cluster components and node problems.
gitops-certification-examples Public
Forked from codefresh-contrib/gitops-certification-examplesExamples for the GitOps certification
kube-burner Public
Forked from kube-burner/kube-burnerKube-burner is a tool aimed at stressing Kubernetes clusters by creating or deleting a high quantity of objects
api-o11y Public
Forked from eminetto/api-o11yRepository used in a talk about APIs and Observability
backstage-templates Public
Custom templates for to bootstrap new services, components, and tools. These templates aim to provide a consistent foundation for projects and incorporate best practices for development.
cloud-digital-architecture Public
Forked from fernandobh/cloud-data-architecture-diagram1 UpdatedJul 31, 2023 -
pdpypipes Public
This repository contains Python tools for use with Azure Pipelines to help with PagerDuty Alerting and Incident handling.
- Public
A simple ChatOps bot for cloud tasks
live-covid-tracker Public
Forked from Somesh-Dahatonde/live-covid-tracker -
howtheysre Public template
Forked from upgundecha/howtheysreA curated collection of publicly available resources on how technology and tech-savvy organizations around the world practice Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)
OnDuty Public
Azure DevOps Extension for interacting with PagerDuty on pipelines
deckofcards Public
Forked from crobertsbmw/deckofcardsAn API to simulate a deck of cards
k8slabs Public
Kubernetes Labs and Tricks