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Part 6. Creational operators

Creational operators


  • Chau Tran
  • Armen Vardanyan
  • Tiep Phan

The following example demonstrates how to manually create an Observable:

const observable = new Observable(function subscribe(observer) {
  const id = setTimeout(() => {"Hello Rxjs");
  }, 1000);
  return function unsubscribe() {

Some are probably wondering: "Do we have to remember this syntax to work with Observable? next, then complete, and also unsubscribe? This is a little too much of a hassle then". To answer this question, we will start exploring some Operators and Functions from RxJS that are used to create Observable.


This is a common Observer that we'll be using throughout this part. If there is any example that uses a different Observer, I'll point it out.

const observer = {
  next: (val) => console.log('next:', val),
  error: (err) => console.log('error:', err),
  complete: () => console.log('complete'),


This is a function used to create an Observable from any type of value: primitives, Array, Object, Function etc... of() accepts all inputs and will complete as soon as all have been emitted.


 * output:
 * - next: 'hello'
 * - complete


 * output:
 * - next: [1, 2, 3]
 * - complete
of([1, 2, 3]).subscribe(observer);

 * output:
 * - next: {foo: 'bar'}
 * - complete
of({ foo: "bar" }).subscribe(observer);

Sequence of values

 * output:
 * - next: 1
 * - next: 2
 * - next: 3
 * - next: 'hello'
 * - next: 'world'
 * - next: {foo: 'bar'}
 * - next: [4, 5, 6]
 * - complete
of(1, 2, 3, "hello", "world", { foo: "bar" }, [4, 5, 6]).subscribe(observer);

of() when called with no arguments will complete immediately without any next notification

 * output:
 * complete


from(), similar to of(), is also a function that creates an Observable from some value. However, the difference between from() and of() is that from() only accepts value that is either an Iterable, or a Promise.

from() also completes after it emits all values passed in.

Iterable is value that can be iterated over. For example: an Array, an Object, a Map, a Set, or a String. When you iterate over a String, you'll receive each character in that string.


 * output:
 * - next: 1
 * - next: 2
 * - next: 3
 * - complete
from([1, 2, 3]).subscribe(observer);

When from() receives an Array, it emits the items in sequence similarly to of(1, 2, 3).


 * output:
 * - next: 'h'
 * - next: 'e'
 * - next: 'l'
 * - next: 'l'
 * - next: 'o'
 * - next: ' '
 * - next: 'w'
 * - next: 'o'
 * - next: 'r'
 * - next: 'l'
 * - next: 'd'
 * - complete: 'complete'
from("hello world").subscribe(observer);


const map = new Map();
map.set(1, "hello");
map.set(2, "bye");

 * output:
 * - next: [1, 'hello']
 * - next: [2, 'bye']
 * - complete

const set = new Set();

 * output:
 * - next: 1
 * - next: 2
 * - complete


 * ouput:
 * - next: 'hello world'
 * - complete
from(Promise.resolve("hello world")).subscribe(observer);

In a case of a Promise, from() will unwrap the Promise and next the resolved value (or error the rejected). This is also the official way to convert a Promise to an `Observable.


fromEvent() is used to convert an Event to an Observable. For example, DOM Event like a mouse click or typing in an Input.

const btn = document.querySelector("#btn");
const input = document.querySelector("#input");

 * output:
 * - next: MouseEvent { ... }
fromEvent(btn, "click").subscribe(observer);

 * output:
 * - next: KeyboardEvent { ... }
fromEvent(input, "keydown").subscribe(observer);

Notice that fromEvent() creates an Observable that does not complete after emission. This makes total sense because for events like click or keydown, we would want to keep listening to these events for as long as we need to. In other words, for as long as these DOM Elements are presented to the consumers. fromEvent() cannot determine on its own when we no longer need to listen to these events. This also means that we will need to unsubscribe from these Observable manually to avoid memory-leak.


fromEventPattern() is a low-level version of fromEvent(). Conceptually, it is similar to fromEvent() that is to create Observable from events. However, the usage is quite different. fromEventPattern() is used to convert unconventional or callback-based Events to Observable. To understand this better, let's look at some example:

 * output:
 * - next: MouseEvent {...}
fromEvent(btn, "click").subscribe(observer);

 * output:
 * - next: MouseEvent {...}
  (handler) => {
    btn.addEventListener("click", handler);
  (handler) => {
    btn.removeEventListener("click", handler);

Another example:

 * output:
 * - next: 10 10
fromEvent(btn, "click")
  .pipe(map((ev: MouseEvent) => ev.offsetX + " " + ev.offsetY))

// fromEventPattern
// In this example, we'll break fromEventPattern() arguments into functions.

function addHandler(handler) {
  btn.addEventListener("click", handler);

function removeHandler(handler) {
  btn.removeEventListener("click", handler);

 * output:
 * - next: 10 10
  (ev: MouseEvent) => ev.offsetX + " " + ev.offsetY

From these examples, we can tell that fromEventPattern() accepts 3 arguments: addHandler, removeHandler, and an optional projectFunction. Moreover, the behavior isn't that much different from fromEvent().

fromEventPattern() gives you the ability to convert the Events using their original APIs, like we're using the DOM API such as addEventListener and removeEventListener to convert the MouseEvent to Observable. With this knowledge, you can apply fromEventPattern() with more complex Event APIs like SignalR Hub.

// _getHub() is an arbitrary function that returns a Hub
const hub = this._getHub(url);

return fromEventPattern(
  (handler) => {
    // open the Websocket
    hub.connection.on(methodName, handler);

    if (hub.refCount === 0) {

  (handler) => {
    // close the Websocket on Unsubscribe, handler);
    if (hub.refCount === 0) {

or SocketIO

export interface SocketEventMap {
  event1: string;
  event2: number;

@Injectable({ providedIn: "root" })
export class SocketService {
  private socket: Socket;

  // init logic

  on<EventName extends keyof SocketEventMap>(
    event: EventName
  ): Observabe<SocketEventMap[EventName]> {
    return fromEventPattern(
      (handler) => {
        this.socket?.on(event, handler);
      (handler) => {
        this.socket?.off(event, handler);

// usage
this.socketService.on("event1"); // Observable<string>
this.socketService.on("event2"); // Observable<number>


fromFetch() is used to convert Fetch API to Observable. The usage is identical to that of fetch().

// Fetch API
  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((todos) => {

// fromFetch()
 * output:
 * - next: [{...}, {...}]
 * - complete
  .pipe(switchMap((response) => response.json()))

The main difference here is that fetch() is Promise based and is eager. As soon as we invoke fetch(), a request will be made. fromFetch() converts the request to Observable and makes it lazy. The request will not be made until we call .subscribe() on fromFetch().

But wait, don't we already have from() for something like that? There is a gotcha.


Notice that we haven't called .subscribe() and the request will still be made. This is because fetch() invokes a Promise eagerly as mentioned above.


interval() creates an Observable that emits integers from 0 in a specified interval.

 * output:
 * - (1s) next: 0
 * - (2s) next: 1
 * - (3s) next: 2
 * - ...

interval() does not complete on its own so we will need to unsubscribe from interval() manually.


timer() has two usages:

  • Create an Observable that will emit number 0 after a specified delay. This usage of timer() will allow it to complete itself.
  • Create an Observable that will emit integers starting with 0 after a specified delay, then will emit each value after a specified interval. This sounds similar to interval() but there is a slight difference which we will explore in a bit. Because this second usage is like interval(), it will not complete on its own.
 * output:
 * - (1s) next: 0
 * - complete

 * output:
 * - (1s) next: 0 (the first delay)
 * - (2s) next: 1 (1s interval)
 * - (3s) next: 2 (1s interval)
 * - ...
timer(1000, 1000).subscribe(observer);

So what's this slight difference? We can pass 0 as the first argument to timer(0, 1000) and this effectively gives us an Observable that emits right away then every 1s after that. interval() alone cannot achieve this.

 * output:
 * - (immediate) next: 0
 * - (1s) next: 1 (1s interval)
 * - (2s) next: 2 (1s interval)
 * - ...
timer(0, 1000).subscribe(observer);


throwError() creates an Observable that, instead emits values, will throw an Error upon subscribe.

 * output:
 * - error: 'an error'
throwError("an error").subscribe(observer);

throwError() is usually used with operators that requires an Observable as return value. Two main use-cases are:

  • catchError(): After we handle an error from an Observable, we can use throwError() to forward this error to the next ErrorHandler
  catchError((err) => {
    // handle error
    // forward the error to the next ErrorHandler
    return throwError(err);
  • (switch|concat|merge)Map + retryWhen(): This is an advanced use-case which we will explore further in Higher-order Operator post. The basic idea is we can use throwError() to force retryWhen() to occur which will retry the Observable pipeline.


This will be the last Creation Function that we will explore in this section, and it is an interesting one. defer() accepts an ObservableFactory (aka a Function that returns an Observable) to create a deferred version of the original Observable. What's special is that defer() will use ObservableFactory to create a new Observable for every new Subscriber. Let's explore in the following example:

const random$ = of(Math.random()); // create an Observable that emits random number

 * output:
 * - next: 0.4146530439875191
 * - complete
 * output:
 * - next: 0.4146530439875191
 * - complete
 * output:
 * - next: 0.4146530439875191
 * - complete

We can see that of() returns the same result for all 3 subscribers. Let's try the same thing with defer()

const deferredRandom$ = defer(() => of(Math.random()));

 * output:
 * - next: 0.27312186273281935
 * - complete
 * output:
 * - next: 0.7180321390218474
 * - complete
 * output:
 * - next: 0.9626312890837065
 * - complete

With defer(), we have 3 different results for 3 different subscribers. How does this help? Imagine you'd need to retry some Observable pipeline and at the beginning of this pipeline, you'd have a comparison against a value that can change, defer() makes sure that when the pipeline occurs (aka is subscribed to), the comparison happens with the latest values.