Connects to your Plejd devices using your Home Assistant Bluetooth.
This integration requires a Bluetooth adapter which supports at least one Active connections.
Using an EspHome Bluetooth Proxy is recommended, but Shelly proxies will not work.
If you make your own esphome configuration, make sure the bluetooth_proxy
has active
set to True
Make sure you have a working Bluetooth integration in Home Assistant (a bluetooth proxy should work too)
Make sure you have no other plejd custom components or add-ons running.
Install the integration:
Manually: Download the
directory and place in your<config>/custom_components
. -
Restart Home Assistant
Hopefully, your Plejd mesh will be auto discovered and you should see a message popping up in your integrations page.
Log in with the credentials you use in the Plejd app when prompted (email address and password)
All known Plejd lights, dimmers and relays should work.
All buttons connected to a device or WPH-01 should work and register events when the buttons are pressed.
- If the button is held for a while, a release even will be registered too. The required hold time doesn't seem entirly consistent, though...
Rotary dimmer WRT-01 should register and fire events when pushed.
- Rotations are not registered. This is a limitation in how Plejd works. Rotation events are not actually sent to the mesh, but directly to whatever device the WRT-01 is paired to. Therefore it is impossible to listen in on them.
Plejd Scenes should show up and be triggerable in Home Assistant (unless hidden in the Plejd app).
- An event entity will be triggered when they are activated (even if hidden in the Plejd app).
GWY-01 doesn't do anything.
EXT-01 doesn't do anything
RTR-01 Is not actually a device but an addition to other devices.
The integration will fetch the device list and - most importantly - the cryptographic keys for the BLE communication from the Plejd cloud at launch. After that initial download, no communication is made with the cloud. All controll is local over bluetooth.
There are some loggers which may be useful for troubleshooting. They are used by adding the following to your configuration.yaml
(pick the pyplejd.
ones which are relevant to you):
default: warning
pyplejd.device_list: debug # Will output the list of devices pulled from the cloud - also shows the mesh index and ble address
pyplejd.ble.connection: debug # Will show the process of connecting to the BLE mesh - this could give information if all your devices are shown but not available
pyplejd.ble.device.123: debug # Will show the BLE traffic to and from the device with mesh index 123 - you can find the mesh index from the Plejd app or from the device_list debug output above
pyplejd.ble.device.SCN: debug # Will show the BLE traffic related to Scenes
pyplejd.ble.device.TME: debug # Will show the BLE traffic related to timekeeping
pyplejd.ble.device.all: debug # Will show the BLE traffic to and from ALL devices
There area several other integrations for Plejd with Home Assistant available, made by some awesome people.
The following is a list of the ones I have looked at in order to create this one, and how this one is different.
I could not have made this one without their great job in decoding the Plejd cloud API and Bluetooth communication protocol.
hassio-plejd | @icanos | Works only with Home Assistant OS. Relies on MQTT for communication. Requires exclusive access to a Bluetooth dongle. Does not support Bluetooth Proxy. |
plejd2mqtt | @thomasloven | Somewhat outdated stand-alone version of the above. Relies on MQTT for communication. Requires exclusive access to a Bluetooth dongle. Does not support Bluetooth Proxy. Does not support switches or scenes. |
ha-plejd | @klali (also check this fork by @bnordli) |
Does not communicate with the Plejd API and therefore requires you to extract the cryptokey and device data from the Plejd app somehow. No auto discovery. Requires exclusive access to a Bluetooth dongle. Does not support Bluetooth Proxy. |
homey-plejd | @emilohman | For Homey |
homebridge-plejd | @blommegard | For Homebridge |
The Plejd name and logo is copyrighted and trademarked and belongs to Plejd AB.
The author of this repository is not associated with Plejd AB.
Sidenote: This integration makes use of a cloud API made by Plejd for use by their smartphone apps. The use of the API in this integration is not endorsed by Plejd, but I have been in communication with representatives of the company, and they have informally indicated an intent to look the other way as long as the API usage does not become excessive.
In those days of clouds locking down and free services becoming paid, this is fantastic!
Thanks, Plejd!