crystal-on-rails Public
Forked from amethyst-framework/amethystCrystal on Rails is a web-application framework for compiled language Crystal.
rails-app-cloudformation Public
CloudFormation with nested stacks deploying a highly-available and scalable Ruby on Rails app with highly-available PostgreSQL
UpdatedMay 21, 2019 -
revolut-app Public
Web application that saves username and birthdate, and returns hello birthday message
Ruby UpdatedMay 20, 2019 -
activeadmin Public
Forked from activeadmin/activeadminThe administration framework for Ruby on Rails applications.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedFeb 28, 2019 -
vending_machine Public
Vending machine implementation as finite state automata using Ruby AASM
Ruby UpdatedNov 28, 2018 -
infinite_scroll Public
Implementation of infinitely scrolling list feature
Ruby UpdatedJul 26, 2018 -
design-patterns-in-ruby Public
Forked from design-patterns-in-ruby/design-patterns-in-rubyExamples from the book Design Patterns in Ruby by Russ Olsen. # ruby 2.2.0
Ruby UpdatedJul 16, 2018 -
spree_gateway Public
Forked from spree/spree_gatewayCommunity maintained collection of gateways for use in Spree
Ruby BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMar 26, 2018 -
jennifer.cr Public
Forked from imdrasil/jennifer.crCrystal ORM using ActiveRecord pattern with flexible query DSL
Crystal MIT License UpdatedSep 15, 2017 -
crystal-mime Public
Forked from spalger/crystal-mimeMimetypes for Crystal, based on node-mime.
Crystal MIT License UpdatedApr 25, 2017 -
aerodrome_service_hours Public
Aerodrome Service Hours - displays aerodrome service hours read from notamn records
Ruby UpdatedFeb 21, 2016 -
nokogiri Public
Forked from sparklemotion/nokogiriNokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser with XPath and CSS selector support.
Java Other UpdatedFeb 18, 2016