- Hanoi, Vietnam
- 7h ahead - https://codepen.io/tientq64
- https://greasyfork.org/users/1306283-tientq64
- tientq64
- @TramNhacAI
- https://buymeacoffee.com/tientq64
tientq64 Public
Config file for my GitHub profile.
taxon4 Public
🐚 Collect and classify species of organisms.
userscripts Public
📜 The userscript collection I wrote makes life easier and better.
all-utils Public
🛠 All-in-one utility functions, super utilities
zodiac-signs Public
Forked from helmasaur/zodiac-signsProvides a zodiac sign depending a birthday and much more.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 9, 2025 -
diori Public
📒 Diary app uses GitHub as storage.
drinw Public
Lưu trữ Google Drive không giới hạn.
particle-life-2d Public
🦠 Life is made up of elementary particles.
taxon Public
🐻 Taxonomy / Phân loại sinh học.
particle-life-3d Public
⚛️ Life is made up of elementary particles.
visual-sorts Public
📊 Sorting algorithms are visualized.
livescript-vscode Public
❄️ LiveScript syntax highlighting, autocomplete, and snippets for VSCode.
oooos Public
💿 Hệ điều hành "pha ke" chạy trên trình duyệt (chưa xong).
mithril-ext Public
Extended functions for Mithril.js
livescript2 Public
Bản custom của LiveScript.
particle-life Public
🦠 Life is created from elementary particles.
tiny-utils-web-extension Public
Một vài trang web rất bất tiện khi sử dụng, extension cho trình duyệt này dùng để sửa nó.