Reference docs for the Tilt API
The future of Tilt is a simple model consisting of very few types of building blocks, and a mix of uniformity and versatility whereby using the same simple elements one can build complex systems and different types of functionality.
The Tilt apiserver is the base layer of that model.
This repository generates the API that the current Tilt server supports.
To run locally, run:
tilt up
Tilt will bring up the API in a container.
Commits to the main branch will automatically deploy to on Netlify.
The Tilt API server generates openapi-spec/swagger.json, a complete specification of Tilt's API objects.
The Kubernetes project automates this generation with this Bash script:
Currently we generate this by running:
tilt dump openapi > openapi-spec/swagger.json
Then we generate markdown for the api docs with:
make gendocs
This uses Kubernetes' doc generation code to generate pages for each API type.
Heavily inspired by
Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
Modifications Copyright 2021 Windmill Engineering
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0