- Singapore
- https://www.timlrx.com/
- @timlrxx
daily-ai-papers Public
Forked from gabrielchua/daily-ai-papersAll credits go to HuggingFace's Daily AI papers (https://huggingface.co/papers) and the research community
tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog Public template
This is a Next.js, Tailwind CSS blogging starter template. Comes out of the box configured with the latest technologies to make technical writing a breeze. Easily configurable and customizable. Per…
llm Public
Forked from graniet/llmA Rust library unifying multiple LLM backends.
Rust UpdatedFeb 23, 2025 -
contentlayer2 Public
Contentlayer turns your content into data - making it super easy to import MD(X) and CMS content in your app
timlrx.com Public
My portfolio built with Tailwind CSS, Nextjs and MDX. A collection of musings, learnings and projects touching data science, analytics, web development and more 🔥
pliny Public
Create content rich websites with ease - built on next.js, contentlayer and tailwindcss
rehype-citation Public
Rehype plugin to add citation and bibliography from bibtex files
next-fastapi-object-stream Public
Next JS + FastAPI object streaming example
next-contentlayer2-example Public
Forked from contentlayerdev/next-contentlayer-example -
rehype-prism-plus Public
rehype plugin to highlight code blocks in HTML with Prism (via refractor) with line highlighting and line numbers
remark-webembed Public
Remark plugin to embed web content using markdown directives
Benchmark of data processing libraries on the browser including Arquero, Sqlite WASM and Duckdb WASM
sqlite-extension-template Public template
Template for building a SQLite extension in C/C++. Builds a loadable module, static extension, python package and WebAssembly distribution.
sqlite Public
Forked from sqlite/sqliteOfficial Git mirror of the SQLite source tree
C Other UpdatedAug 7, 2023 -
exploretrees-sg Public
Forked from cheeaun/exploretrees-sg🌳 Explore Trees in Singapore 🇸🇬
JavaScript UpdatedJan 6, 2023 -
aws-notification-lambda Public
Simple Lambda function to send notification to Discord or Slack. Can be used standalone or as an SNS subscriber.
learning-julia Public
Learning Julia through replicating Schelling's Dynamic Models of Segregation
mem-fs-editor Public
Forked from SBoudrias/mem-fs-editorFile edition helpers working on top of mem-fs (https://github.com/SBoudrias/mem-fs)
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 22, 2021 -
supabase Public
Forked from supabase/supabaseThe open source Firebase alternative. Follow to stay updated about our public Beta.
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 7, 2021 -
Graphin Public
Forked from antvis/GraphinA React toolkit for graph analysis based on G6
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 24, 2021 -
jamstackthemes Public
Forked from stackbit/jamstackthemesA list of themes and starters for JAMstack sites.