I'm a full stack dev in Canada who loves Functional programming and Domain Driven Development. I've done a lot of Python, Typescript, .NET and work with SQL databases. I also have a mild obsession with the management of state, effects, type systems, and taming complexity. I've you're ever down to talk about Elm F#, Haskell, and Good Systems, we should chat!
Mostly I'm just trying to do good work and practice kindness in my habits.
- Semantics, Not Syntax; Developer empowerment using functional-first programming
- Talking technique: Recognizing context for cleaner design
- A Most Magic TicTacToe solution with React and TS
- Reduce in 5 Minutes
- Solving the Dominoes problem with Graph Theory and Typescript
Last but not least, I'm grateful to be a Community Maintainer at Virtual Coffee. It's a wonderful space where devs all over the world come together to support each other, give talks, share successes, and just be their real selves amongst encouraging peers. If you're interested in tech and looking for a wholesome space online, stop by anytime and say hello!
I also stream Typescript Tuesdays at https://www.twitch.tv/virtualcoffeeio, a biweekly beginner-friendly space where we tackle Type-Driven development.
Currently available for remote work, technical writing, and conversations about code.
You can find my full resume here
Feel free to reach out to tkshillinz@icloud.com. I also frequent the Elm and F# slacks where you can find me as @Kirk Shillingford.
You can also find me on Devto, Twitter and LinkedIn
Hope this finds you well.