If you want to run it on a different Kubernetes provider, particularly on ones that don't offer the Type: LoadBalancer
support for Kubernetes Service definitions, you will need to change the open-ocr-httpd service accordingly.
You can use the bootstrap.sh
script found on this directory to automate all of the steps described below.
curl -O bootstrap.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dcasati/open-ocr/dcasati-azure-demo/kubernetes/bootstrap.sh
chmod +x bootstrap.sh
Using the provided script:
usage: bootstrap.sh [-cit]
-c clean up the demo.
-i install the demo.
-t run a cURL test against the API.
To install the demo:
bootstrap.sh -i
To test the REST API
bootstrap.sh -t
Finally, to clean up all of the resources from the Kubernetes cluster
bootstrap.sh -c
You will want to replace the YOUR_RABBITMQ_PASS
below with something more secure.
printf "YOUR_RABBITMQ_PASS" > ./password
kubectl create secret generic rabbit-mq-password --from-file=./password
git clone https://github.com/tleyden/open-ocr.git
kubectl create -f kubernetes/pods/rabbitmq.yaml
kubectl create -f kubernetes/services/rabbitmq.yml
Wait until it launches by checking:
kubectl describe pod rabbitmq
and make sure the state is RUNNING
kubectl create -f kubernetes/pods/open_ocr_httpd.yml
kubectl create -f kubernetes/services/open_ocr_httpd.yml
kubectl create -f kubernetes/replication-controllers/open-ocr-worker.yaml
Find the external IP
kubectl describe service open-ocr-httpd-service
and look for the LoadBalancer Ingress
value. That is the publicly available IP address.
Run curl against the REST API
Replace the IP below with your LoadBalancer Ingress
returned above in this command:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"img_url":"http://bit.ly/ocrimage","engine":"tesseract"}'
and you should get the output:
You can create local variables for the pipelines within the template by
prefixing the variable name with a “$" sign. Variable names have to be
composed of alphanumeric characters and the underscore. In the example
below I have used a few variations that work for variable names.