This page describes the steps to install PacBot. PacBot is built to be deployed in AWS mostly using managed services. There are 3 major components in PacBot.
PacBot Rule Engine : CloudWatch Rules, Lambda, AWS Batch, AWS ElasticSearch
PacBot Web Application (UI & APIs) : AWS ECS, Fargate, AWS ElasticSearch, RDS
PacBot Inventory Collector : Cloudwatch Rules, AWS Batch, AWS ElasticSearch, Redshift, RDS
List of AWS resources that will be created by the installer.
- IAM Roles
- IAM Policies
- S3 Bucket
- MySQL 5.6.X
- Elasticsearch Service
- Elasticsearch version 5.5
- Redshift
- Single Node
- Batch
- Compute environments, Job Definitions and Job Queues
- Elastic Container Registry
- Repositories - for batch job, API and UI
- Elastic Container Service - AWS Fargate
- Clusters - for APIs, UI and Batch
- Task Definitions - for APIs and UI
- Lambda Functions
- SubmitBatchJob and SubmitRuleJob
- CloudWatch Rules
This python installer script will launch the above listed AWS resources and configure them as required for the PacBot application. This will also build the application from the source code. The built JARs and Angular app are then deployed in AWS ECS.
PacBot installer is developed using Python and Terraform. For the installer to run, you will need to have below listed dependencies installed correctly.
Software Dependencies:
- Python supported version is 3.4 or above
- Following python packages are required.
- docker-py (1.10)]
- python-terraform (0.10)
- boto3 (1.9)
- gitpython
- Install the latest version of Terraform from
- Install
version 8.15.0 or higher - Install
version 6.4.1 or higher - Install the following npm packages
- Install
version 7.1.4 or higher - Install
version 1.8.4 or higher
- Install
- Install
version openjdk1.8 or higher - Install
(Maven) version 3.0 or higher - Install
version 18.06 or higher - Install
version 15.1 or higher
AWS IAM Permission Installer would need an IAM account to launch and configure the AWS resources. To keep it simple you can create an IAM account with full access to above listed AWS service or temporarily assign Poweruser/Administrator permission. After the installation, you can remove the IAM account.
Make sure that docker service is running during the installation time.
The installer box or machine from where the installation is happening should be on the same VPC or should be able to connect to MySQL DB
- Installer System:
Recommended to use Amazon Linux / CentOS 7 / Ubuntu
- System Configurations:
Recommended instance type: t2.medium (Minimum 4GB memory)
VPC: Same as where PacBot is desired to be installed
- Install Git
sudo yum install git
- Install Pip & required modules
sudo yum install -y epel-release python3-pip
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Install other dependencies
sudo yum -y install java-1.8.0-openjdk docker maven unzip mysql
sudo systemctl start docker
- To install terraform, download the latest version
mv terraform /usr/bin/
- To install UI build dependencies, please click here
- Clone the repo
git clone
Go to pacbot-installer directory
Create settings/ file by copying from settings/
Update settings/ file with the required values - Mandaory Changes
SUBNET IDS (2 Subnets are required. The second subnet is just for Redshit HA. Both the subnets should not be in the same AZ.)
- Run the installer. (Go grab a coffee now :), it would take a while to provision the AWS resources)
sudo python3 install
- Installation logs will be available in logs directory
tail -f logs/debug.log -> To see the debug log
tail -f logs/error.log -> To see the error log
tail -f logs/terraform_install.log -> To see Terraform Installation log
tail -f logs/terraform_destroy.log -> To see Terraform Destroy log
Once the installation is complete, go to the PacBot ELB URL to access the web application. Use the default credentials
- Admin User : / pacman
- Readonly User : / user
Once you have installed the application and later if any updation occurs then you would be able to redeploy it without any change in endpoints and URL. Please follow the below steps to redeploy the applications
- Go to pacbot source code and pull the latest changes
git pull --rebase
Go to pacbot-installer directory
Run the below command to redeploy the application
sudo python3 redeploy
sudo python3 destroy
'destroy' will terminate all the AWS resources created during the installation.
Installation issues will be mostly around permissions and dependencies required by the installer. Please make sure all the dependencies are installed correctly before installing PacBot.
IAM Role Changes The account where PacBot is installed is called base account. The accounts that are monitored by PacBot is called client account.
Client Account Change: Create an IAM role named pacbot_ro and attach ReadOnlyAccess, AmazonGuardDutyReadOnlyAccess & AWSSupportAccess policies. Allow pacbot_ro from the base account to assume this role. Sample trust configuration for pacbot_ro role is here
{ "Version":"2012-10-17", "Statement":[ {"Effect":"Allow", "Principal":{ "AWS":["arn:aws:iam::Base_Account_ID:role/pacbot_ro"] }, "Action":"sts:AssumeRole" }] }
Base Account Change: Fetch client account pacbot_ro role arn and update pacbot_ro policy which is associated with pacman_role in Base account. Sample pacbot_ro policy,
{ "Version":"2012-10-17", "Statement":[ {"Sid":"", "Effect":"Allow", "Action":"sts:AssumeRole", "Resource":["arn:aws:iam::Client_Account_ID_1:role/pacman_ro","arn:aws:iam::Client_Account_ID_2:role/pacbot_ro"] }] }
Cloudwatch Rule Changes
- Update "accountinfo" value (in Constant (JSON text) of cloudwatch rule) with new client account ids in cloudwatch rule named "AWS-Data-Collector". Sample configuration is
New AWS account management page with features to add remove accounts is being developed. Watch out this section for the updates.
Till then you have to configure it manually
- Current version supports only AWS stack.
- AWS Fargate is not available in all AWS regions. Please visit AWS Region Table for more information on AWS regions and services.