is a gh extension to list pull requests which include commits by specified author.
gh extension install tnagatomi/gh-committed-prs
-h, --help Show help message
--author Search by commit author (default to your system git
--from Search commits from this date
--to Search commits to this date (default to today)
--exclude-head Specify head branch of pull requests to exclude
You must be in the repository's git directory, and you must pull the repository before executing this command.
List pull requests which include commits by you until today:
gh committed-prs --from 2024-07-01
List pull requests between specific dates:
gh committed-prs --from 2024-07-01 --to 2024-12-31
List pull requests by specific commit author (can be email or name):
gh committed-prs --author --from 2024-07-01
List pull requests by excluding head branch (useful for Gitflow alike to exclude release pull requests):
gh committed-prs --from 2024-07-01 --exclude-head develop
- Squash merge and rebase merge pull requests are not supported
- It might take a while to process local git if specified date range's commit log is large