- In this project, my teammates and I used PHP and mySQL to design a web application where users can create their own tournamanents. There are four different types of user that are admin, manager, player, and normal user. Each type of user has different priviledges and functionality in the application.
- Our website provides the functionality to completely manage a basketball league
- Using our website, you can keep track of all:
- Teams
- Players
- Games
- Statistics
You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.
git clone https://github.com/tngo0508/CPSC431-final-project/
Follow this
README to install PHPMailerRun XAMPP - Apache, PHP
Go to folder htdocs in XAMPP and put all files into there
Visit Link: http://localhost/phpmyadmin to import SPORT-MANAGEMENT_ddl.sql
Visit http://localhost/SOURCE CODE
Programming Languages
- Javascript
- CSS3
- Bootstrap 4.0
Text Editor
- Atom
- Vim
Third-party library
- PHPMailer
- Professor Thomas Bettens - tbettens@fullerton.edu - California State University, Fullerton
- Thomas Ngo - tngo0508@csu.fullerton.edu - tngo0508
- Danh Pham - danhpham312@gmail.com - .Dpham181