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aider.el : aider (AI Pair Programming) Inside Emacs

Table of Contents


  • Do you enjoy the AI features of the Cursor AI Code Editor but prefer working within Emacs?
  • Aider is a well-known and highly effective AI pair programming tool for the terminal.
  • The aider.el package offers an simple UI to communicate with Aider in Emacs. It aim to minimize the user’s effort using aider in emacs.
    • Most of the Elisp code in this repository was generated by Aider or aider.el.

Pros: UI, Context Awareness AI Pair Programming

  • Pop-up Menu: No need to remember commands. (aider-transient-menu)


  • Work directly on the code without switching contexts. Git repository-specific Aider session mapped to current buffer given git repo info.
  • Pass your Emacs editing context to Aider, including details such as the active function or class and any selected code. This minimizes manual typing.
  • Designed for everyday programming tasks, such as adding or modifying code with AI assistance, write unit-test / TDD assist, and help reading code written by others.

Cons: aider session in comint is not fancy

  • The current implementation is using comint to host aider session, a classic CLI interactive solution used in emacs, However, comint-mode doesn’t have the advance features such as codeblock color rendering and file tracking from aider.
    • Some work-around for code color was applied, but we still don’t have a fundamental solution for this right now. Vterm is good but I don’t want to depend on it at this moment.
    • Would be great if someone can solve this problem, or make it better without introduce too many complexity.
  • There is no advantage interacting with aider through this comint terminal directly. Instead, since the comint terminal is well integrated with other parts of emacs, it is encouraged to generate and send prompt to it, either from:
    • Code buffer directly by aider code change related commands or ask question related commands. It make less context switching, and it help building up prompt, reducing manual typing.
    • Aider prompt file (aider-open-prompt-file, C-c a p). This is the traditional way in emacs to communicate with comint buffer (just like ESS, python-mode, scala-mode, etc). It is easy to revisit your used commands, organize large code change into several small prompts, and it is easy for multi-line prompts. Recently, syntax highlight, completion and snippets were added to this file, and it is now a good place to write and organize your prompts.


  • Emacs need to be >= 26.1

Vanilla Emacs Installation

  • Install aider
  • Install the emacs dependency library Transient, and Magit using your package manager.
  • Install aider.el with the following code:

If you have Straight installed

(use-package aider
  :straight (:host github :repo "tninja/aider.el" :files ("aider.el" "aider-core.el" "aider-file.el" "aider-code-change.el" "aider-discussion.el" "aider-prompt-mode.el"))
  ;; For latest claude sonnet model
  (setq aider-args '("--model" "sonnet"))
  (setenv "ANTHROPIC_API_KEY" anthropic-api-key)
  ;; Or chatgpt model
  ;; (setq aider-args '("--model" "o3-mini"))
  ;; (setenv "OPENAI_API_KEY" <your-openai-api-key>)
  ;; Or use your personal config file
  ;; (setq aider-args `("--config" ,(expand-file-name "~/.aider.conf.yml")))
  ;; ;;
  ;; Optional: Set a key binding for the transient menu
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-c a") 'aider-transient-menu))

With package-vc-install (emacs built-in)

  • Install aider.el by running the following code within Emacs
    • You’ll need to manually install the required packages, such as Transient, Magit, and helm.
(package-vc-install '(aider :url ""))

The config part is as same as above straight one

Doom Installation and Configuration

  • Add the following code to your doom/packages.el
(package! aider :recipe (:host github :repo "tninja/aider.el" :files ("aider.el" "aider-core.el" "aider-file.el" "aider-code-change.el" "aider-discussion.el" "aider-prompt-mode.el" "aider-doom.el")))
  • Adjust and add the following code to your doom/config.el
(use-package aider
  (setq aider-args '("--model" "sonnet")))

The aider prefix is A.

  • Start and open the aider buffer: [SPC] A o
  • Add the current file with [SPC] A a c
  • Reset the aider session with [SPC] A r


  • However, transient menu is more recommended than doom menu, cause I constantly use that one so it is better maintained.
    • Anyone want to contribute to doom menu, feel free to help on it. Thanks.


Helm Support

Helm enables fuzzy searching functionality for command history prompts, the prompts are ordered based on used frequency and time. Since it is very possible that we use prompt written before, it could potentially save lots of time typing. This plugin is highly recommended if you are OK with helm.

You can have helm-based completion with run the following code, after install helm library:

(use-package aider
  :straight (:host github :repo "tninja/aider.el" :files ("aider.el" "aider-core.el" "aider-file.el" "aider-code-change.el" "aider-discussion.el" "aider-prompt-mode.el" "aider-doom.el" "aider-helm.el")))

Most used features (integrated into the aider menu)

Aider session management

Creates a comint-based, git repo-specific Aider session for interactive conversation.
  • Git repository identification is based on the current file’s path
  • Multiple Aider sessions can run simultaneously for different Git repositories
  • When being called with the universal argument (C-u), a prompt will offer the user to change the content of aider-args for this session.
Switch to the Aider buffer.
  • use ^ in the menu to toggle open aider session in other window inside current frame, or open a dedicate frame for aider session. This is useful when there is more than one monitor, and one frame / monitor is used to hold multi buffers for code, and another frame / monitor hold aider session.

More ways to add files to the Aider buffer

Add the current buffer file. If it is used in dired buffer, add all dired marked files.
  • C-u prefix to add files read-only.
Add all buffers in the current window.

Write code

If a region is selected, ask Aider to refactor the selected region. Otherwise, ask Aider to change / refactor the function under the cursor.
Implement requirement in comments in-place, in current context.
  • If cursor is on a comment line, implement that specific comment in-place.
  • If there is a selection region of multi-line comments, implement code for those comments in-place.
  • If cursor is inside a function, implement TODOs for that function.
  • Otherwise implement TODOs for the entire current file.

Support for Unit Test / Test Driven Development

Generate comprehensive unit tests for the current function or file. If the cursor is on a test function, implement the test function.
Place cursor on a failing test function and ask Aider to analyze and fix the code to make tests pass. You can provide more information of failed test case to help aider figuring out how to fix the source code.

Explain code

Ask Aider a question about the code in the current context. If a region is selected, use the region as context.
When you are asking aider to suggest a change using above command, maybe even after several round of discussion, when you are satisfied with the solution, you can use this command to ask Aider to go ahead and implement the change.
If a region is selected, ask Aider to explain the selected region. Otherwise, ask Aider to explain the function under the cursor.

Aider prompt file

  • Syntax highlight, aider command completion, file path completion supported
  • Use C-c a p to open the repo specific prompt file. You can use this file to organize tasks, and write prompt and send them to the Aider session. multi-line prompts are supported.
  • People happy with sending code from editor buffer to comint buffer (eg. ESS, python-mode, scala-mode) might like this. This is a interactive and reproducible way
  • C-c C-n key can be used to send the current prompt line to the comint buffer. Or batch send selected region line by line. To my experience, this is the most used method in aider prompt file.
  • C-c C-c key is for multi-line prompt. The following example shows C-c C-c key pressed when cursor is on the prompt.


  • Prompts for aider might share similar structure. Yasnippet can be used to help reusing these prompts.
  • Aider prompt file now support yasnippet. Current snippets came from this reddit post, another reddit post, and a git repo.
  • You can use
    • M-x yas-describe-tables to see the available snippets
    • M-x yas-insert-snippet to insert a snippet.
    • M-x yas-expand to expand the snippet under cursor.
  • Welcome to add more snippets / improve existing snippets in the snippets folder!

Be careful about AI generated code

  • Thanks to LLM. It is so easy to generate bunch of code with AI. But generating code doesn’t complete the work.
    • There might be potential bug hidden inside. It need to be verified that the feature work as expected, and code change didn’t break existing features.
    • Developer might be lack of understanding of AI generated code. If there is too many code developer don’t quite understand, the project could be out of control.
  • Unit-test can be useful on both of the above concern. And aider can help writing unit tests.
    • The AI generated test need to be manually checked / fixed. But generally test code is easier to understand.
    • Running the unit-tests can help verifying the correctness / identifying the bug of code. It also help developer better understanding how the AI generated code work, and it can give developer more confidence on the new code.

A TDD-style AI programming workflow

  1. **Implement or modify code**:
    • For existing code: Use aider-function-or-region-refactor with cursor in function or on selected region
    • For new code: Use aider-implement-todo on TODO comments

    Example of adding new code:

    With cursor on this comment:

    # TODO: Implement a function that checks if a number is prime

    Running aider-implement-todo might generate:

    def is_prime(n):
        if n <= 1:
            return False
        for i in range(2, int(n ** 0.5) + 1):
            if n % i == 0:
                return False
        return True

    If suggestions aren’t satisfactory, use Ask Question for refinements and Go Ahead to confirm changes.

  2. **Generate tests**: Validate your implementation with aider-write-unit-test and aider-fix-failing-test-under-cursor.
  3. **Refine code and tests**: Further refactor as needed using additional prompts or manual adjustments.
  4. Goto 1


  • Recent code refactoring introduced installation issue
    • doom: #102
    • straight / vc install: #103
    • seem both of the above issue resolved. But it looks like the local installed package will need to be removed and re-install
  • How to review / accept the code change?
    • Comparing to cursor, aider have a different way to do that. Discussion
  • How to enter multi-line prompts in aider session buffer?
    • aider itself support that, doc.
    • use aider prompt file (aider-open-prompt-file, C-c a p) to write multi-line prompts (we don’t want them to go away right? especially if it is not perfect and need to be modified, and we might want to reuse it sometime later).
  • Can aider.el work with tramp? (aider running on remote machine)
    • (I didn’t try) mgcyung said it can work in this way: #85

Future work


  • More context sensitive code change / code reading commands
  • Better support for aider prompt file
    • [X] aider command syntax highlight
    • [X] aider command completion
    • [X] file path completion
    • [X] yasnippet support
  • Better support for comint buffer
    • Better comint syntax color solution
      • [X] syntax color rendering can be triggered through aider-switch-to-buffer, given codeing buffer major mode
      • [X] syntax color rendering can be triggered through /add, /read-only through aider-prompt-file
    • [ ] Get enhancement from code in major mode of aider-prompt-file
  • More thinking on how to simplify the menu / commands

Code quality

  • Better unit-test / integration test of this package. Hopefully it is automated.

Other Emacs AI coding tool

  • Inspired by, and Thanks to:
    • ancilla.el: AI Coding Assistant support code generation / code rewrite / discussion
    • chatgpt-shell: ChatGPT and DALL-E Emacs shells + Org Babel, comint session based idea
    • copilot.el: Emacs plugin for GitHub Copilot
    • copilot-chat.el: Chat with GitHub Copilot in Emacs
    • gptel: Most stared / widely used LLM client in Emacs