SchedulePro is a robust Java-based desktop application designed to streamline appointment management for global consulting organizations. It offers intuitive customer record management, efficient scheduling capabilities, and insightful reporting features, enhancing productivity and facilitating seamless global operations.
- Project Information
- Technical Specifications
- Installation and Setup
- Features
- Additional Reports
- Contact Information
- Title: SchedulePro - GUI-Based Scheduling Desktop Application
- Author: Daniel Akoko
- Version: 1.0
- Release Date: January 20th, 2024
- IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 2023.01
- JDK: Java SE 17.0.1
- JavaFX: JavaFX-SDK-17.0.1
- MySQL Connector: mysql-connector-java-8.0.30
- Install the required software:
- IntelliJ Community 2023.2
- Java SE 18.0.2
- JavaFX-SDK-18.0.2
- MySQL Connector/Java 8.0.30
- Clone the project repository.
- Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA.
- Configure the JavaFX SDK as a library.
- Ensure you have a MySQL server running.
- Update the MySQL Connector driver version in the project settings.
- Build and run the application.
- Create and manage customer records
- Schedule and track appointments
- View and modify existing schedules
- Generate reports for business insights
The application includes a custom report that provides an overview of total customer appointments by country, offering valuable insights into global scheduling patterns.
For any queries or support, please contact:
- Developer: Daniel Akoko
- Email:
© 2024 Daniel Akoko. All Rights Reserved.