- Japan
- @_tomu28
An Alfred workflow to search Notion with instant results
A universal solution to persistence and data sharing in surprisingly little code.
Warp is a modern, Rust-based terminal with AI built in so you and your team can build great software, faster.
GitHub Action that setup a Swift environment
The missing star history graph of GitHub repos - https://star-history.com
A collection of example projects using Embedded Swift
A static site generator for Swift developers.
Magical testing tools for Swift macros.
The official app for try! Swift Tokyo 2024
A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'
A CLI that writes your git commit messages for you with AI
Shimmer is a super-light modifier that adds a shimmering effect to any SwiftUI View, for example, to show that an operation is in progress. It works well on light and dark modes, and across iOS, ma…
A macro powered dependency injection framework for Swift
Pure SwiftUI Navigation transitions ✨
A set of Swift libraries for parsing, inspecting, generating, and transforming Swift source code.
Student submissions for the WWDC 2023 - Swift Student Challenge
Report issues in your application and library code as Xcode runtime warnings, breakpoints, assertions, and do so in a testable manner.
Acknowledgements screen displaying a list of licenses, for example from CocoaPods and Swift Package Manager dependencies.
Modern. Native. Delightful Web Debugging Proxy for macOS, iOS, and Android ⚡️
gRPC and protocol buffers for Android, Kotlin, Swift and Java.
RSA public/private key encryption in Swift
Generate Swift SDKs for cross-compilation
A modern, expressive testing package for Swift
Gradle Plugin for injecting Swift code into Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile shared module
A scroll view with a sticky header which shrinks as you scroll. Written with SwiftUI.