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Create an AMI with all security tools in the arsenal list

Configuration scripts for building a custom Amazon AMI with HashiCorp Packer.

NOT WORKING YET Still in development


  • You must have Packer installed on your local system. For more information, see Installing Packer in the Packer documentation.

  • You must also have AWS account credentials configured so that Packer can make calls to AWS API operations on your behalf. For more information, see Authentication in the Packer documentation.


The default region used is to build this AMI is us-east-1 and the instance type is a t2.medium (4GB RAM, 2vCPUs, EBS only and $0.046400 hourly) and does not qualify for the AWS free tier. You are charged for any instances created when building this AMI. The base AMI used is ami-b70554c8, Amazon Linux 2.

Building the AMI

A Makefile is provided to build the AMI, but it is just a small wrapper around invoking Packer directly. You can initiate the build process by running the following command in the root of this repository:


The Makefile runs Packer with the my-aws-security-arsenal-packer-config.json build specification template and the amazon-ebs builder. An instance is launched and the Packer Shell Provisioner runs the script on the instance to install software and perform other necessary configuration tasks. Then, Packer creates an AMI from the instance and terminates the instance after the AMI is created.

Using the AMI

If you are just getting started with security tools, visit and get familiar with every tool that you are interested in.

Launch an instance with the new AMI ID that is returned when Packer finishes building.


Some code is taken as reference from here