- Alfacar - Granada - Spain
- https://blyx.com - https://prowler.com
- @ToniBlyx
- in/toniblyx
List of open source tools for AWS security: defensive, offensive, auditing, DFIR, etc.
awesome-gcp-pentesting Public
Forked from Littlehack3r/awesome-gcp-pentestingTools and blogs I use to perform GCP red teams
UpdatedAug 26, 2024 -
homebrew-core Public
Forked from Homebrew/homebrew-core🍻 Default formulae for the missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
Ruby BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedMay 20, 2024 -
aws-cli-mfa Public
Forked from sweharris/aws-cli-mfaScript to help get MFA credentials for AWS CLI tools
blackhat-arsenal-tools Public
Forked from toolswatch/blackhat-arsenal-toolsOfficial Black Hat Arsenal Security Tools Repository
GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 11, 2023 -
aws-scripts-4fun-and-profit Public
Scripts for AWS amusement...
mfa-command-line Public
MFA Authenticator for the command line
aws-security-assessment-solution Public
Forked from awslabs/aws-security-assessment-solutionAn AWS tool to help you create a point in time assessment of your AWS account using Prowler and Scout as well as optional AWS developed ransomware checks.
pio-cambodia Public
People Improvement Cambodia - scripts and doc written during my volunteering
amazon-ec2-user-guide Public
Forked from awsdocs/amazon-ec2-user-guideThe open source version of the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux. To submit feedback or requests for changes, submit an issue or make changes and submit a pull request.
aws-drawio Public
Forked from Jon007/aws-drawioDiagrams for AWS
aws-security-toolbox Public
Forked from z0ph/aws-security-toolboxAWS Security Tools (AST) in a simple Docker container. 📦
Alfresco BART is a tool written in shell script on top of Duplicity to do Alfresco backups and restore from a local file system, FTP, SCP or Amazon S3.
awesome-appsec Public
Forked from paragonie/awesome-appsecA curated list of resources for learning about application security
Creates a CloudFormation stack for running Security Monkey
aws_research Public
Forked from SummitRoute/aws_researchPublic tables and other research that can accept PRs. Please visit the web link.
alfresco-search-deployment Public
Forked from alex4u2nv/alfresco-search-deployment -
acs-deployment-aws Public
Forked from AlfrescoArchive/acs-deployment-awsAWS deployment for Alfresco Content Services (Enterprise). Using CFN and helm charts.
awssecurity Public
Forked from stuhirst/awssecurityfor AWS Security material
auditd Public
Forked from Neo23x0/auditdBest Practice Auditd Configuration
amazon-eks-ami Public
Forked from awslabs/amazon-eks-amiPacker configuration for building a custom EKS AMI
phpRADmin Public
phpRADmin is a web tool written in PHP to allow configuration, administration and provisioning of RADIUS server (FreeRADIUS), clients (NAS, AP, etc) and users (PPP, PPPoE, EAP, etc) with MySQL as b…
SANSCloudSecuritySummit2018 Public
Materials used and mentioned during my talk at SANS Cloud Security Summit 2018 in San Diego
ServerTelegramBot Public
Forked from i4specete/ServerTelegramBotHacking from your phone
alfrescodevcon2018 Public
Slide deck for my talk about Alfresco Backup and DR (and HA architectures)
update-sg-with-my-ip Public
Shell script to update an AWS Security Group (VPC) with your public IP
bsidesaugusta2017 Public
Materials used and mentioned during my talk at BSides Augusta 2017
aws_ir Public
Forked from ThreatResponse/aws_irPython installable command line utiltity for mitigation of host and key compromises.
Lightning talk ppt I used for my presentation about 10 security concept you must know, based on Game of Thrones