A directory and analysis of the open source ecosystem in the areas of climate change, sustainable energy, biodiversity and natural resources. https://docs.getgrist.com/gSscJkc5Rb1R/OpenSustaintech
Mar 6, 2025
Global climate change refers to the rise of earth's temperature, caused by human factors. It originates from the greenhouse effect of certain gases in our atmosphere like carbon dioxide (CO2) or methane (CH4) that block the escaping heat. The concentration of these gases has risen dramatically by human impact since the mid of the 20th century, with the burning of fossil fuels (oil and gas) and deforestation being main causes of this rise. The observed and expected effects include more and longer periods of draught, wildfires and an increased number of extreme weather events.
A directory and analysis of the open source ecosystem in the areas of climate change, sustainable energy, biodiversity and natural resources. https://docs.getgrist.com/gSscJkc5Rb1R/OpenSustaintech
"What can I do about the climate crisis?" Here are 326 things you can do.
Cloud Carbon Footprint is a tool to estimate energy use (kilowatt-hours) and carbon emissions (metric tons CO2e) from public cloud usage
eco2AI is a python library which accumulates statistics about power consumption and CO2 emission during running code.
Measure energy and carbon consumption of software
The add-on "Carbonalyser" allows to visualize the electricity consumption and greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions that your Internet browsing leads to.
FedERA is a modular and fully customizable open-source FL framework, aiming to address these issues by offering comprehensive support for heterogeneous edge devices and incorporating both standalone and distributed computing. It includes new software modules to enhance usability and promote environ- mental sustainability.
💾 Boavizta.org Data repository
Control carbon emission of your cloud infrastructure - Carbon-aware cloud infra
Calculate your carbon footprint, and find out how much you have to do to eliminate it!
Tools for producing high-quality hourly generation and emissions data for U.S. electric grids
Carbon characteristics of Google Cloud regions
Patch's Javascript client library - https://www.patch.io
A tool for estimating the future energy use, carbon emissions, and capital and operating cost impacts of energy efficiency and demand flexibility technologies in the U.S. residential and commercial building sectors.
Tool to help you pick a Google Cloud region considering carbon footprint, price and latency.
National Carbon Credit Registry Digital Public Good (DPG) by Digital For Climate (D4C) collaboration. Code coordinated by ExO/CDO & BPPS/Climate.
Patch's Ruby client library - https://www.patch.io
Download and Visualize Essential Global Heating Data in R
Implementation of EMNLP2020 accepted paper: "TopicBERT: Topic-aware BERT for Efficient Document Classification"
👣 Calculate your carbon footprint easily using a command line interface (10+ metrics, .PDF report).
Created by Humanity