A curated list of Artificial Intelligence (AI) courses, books, video lectures and papers.
Dec 28, 2024
The branch of computer science dealing with the reproduction, or mimicking of human-level intelligence, self-awareness, knowledge, conscience, and thought in computer programs.
A curated list of Artificial Intelligence (AI) courses, books, video lectures and papers.
Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing is an implementation of Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM), a theory of intelligence based strictly on the neuroscience of the neocortex.
Machine Learning for Flappy Bird using Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm
Awesome Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning as we learn it. Study notes and a curated list of awesome resources of such topics.
IdenProf dataset is a collection of images of identifiable professionals. It is been collected to enable the development of AI systems that can serve by identifying people and the nature of their job by simply looking at an image, just like humans can do.
Fast/non-data-aided single image highlight removal methods in MATLAB/GNU Octave
A flexable HTM (Hierarchical Temporal Memory) framework with full GPU support.
Modeled the credit risk associated with consumer loans. Performed exploratory data analysis (EDA), preprocessing of continuous and discrete variables using various techniques depending on the feature. Checked for missing values and cleaned the data. Built the probability of default model using Logistic Regression. Visualized all the results. Com…
A curated list of awesome reinforcement courses, video lectures, books, library and many more.
MIVisionX toolkit is a comprehensive computer vision and machine intelligence libraries, utilities and applications bundled into a single toolkit.
Bidirectional Attention Flow for Machine Comprehension implemented in Keras 2
A curated list of natural language processing courses, video lectures, books, library and many more.
Use a robot to answer queries on financial data by integrating with the IBM Watson Assistant service and IBM Watson Studio
Machine Learning for Neuroscience Module, Spring 2023 (https://www.imperial.ac.uk/study/courses/postgraduate-taught/translational-neuroscience/)
Product of Pragmatic AI Labs: Machine Learning, Statistics and Utilities around Developer Productivity, Company Productivity and Project Productivity
Centralized repository of my Blazor apps with Machine Intelligence (Statistics, Analytics, Machine Learning, AI, Information Retrieval etc.). This repository will coalesce all of my Machine Intelligence repos in a single area and point to their respective: live demo, source code, video & presentation locations.
A starter bot written in Java for the pokerwars.io platform. To play: pull this code, register on pokerwars.io, get your API token and play!
Selected problems and their solutions from the book on "Machine Intelligence in Design Automation"
Machine Intelligence using OpenAI, Semantic Kernel, Vector Search, SQL Server
A comparison between humans, neuroevolution and multilayer perceptrons playing Flapy Bird implemented in Python