GoF Design Patterns with "Real-World" examples involving Food-Related Businesses and mock dependencies
Dec 21, 2023 - C#
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm based on the concept of objects fundamental to many programming languages, including Java and C++. OOP can be devided in two sub types: class-based (or "classical") and prototype-based OOP (found in JavaScript, for example).
Object-oriented programming has several advantages over procedural programming:
GoF Design Patterns with "Real-World" examples involving Food-Related Businesses and mock dependencies
Curated Collection of all Low level design Questions and implementation asked in major Tech companies , Get yourself prepared for the LLD round and ace the interview.
📚 A Library Management System designed in Java while following the concepts of decoupled layers (entities) and minimal code in interface (GUI).
SOLID Principles - simple and easy explanation
It is a semester project for Object Oriented Programming written in java. (a mini Project 😉 )
An Awesome Repository On Object Oriented Programming In C++ Language. Ideal For Computer Science Undergraduates, This Repository Holds All The Resources Created And Used By Me - Code & Theory For One To Master Object Oriented Programming. Filled With Theory Slides, Number Of Programs, Concept-Clearing Projects And Beautifully Explained, Well Doc…
💣 An object-oriented clone of the famous Windows game Minesweeper made in Java-Swing Framework following the Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture. Its a stand-alone desktop game which also provides save and load game functionalities.
Three Java projects assigned for the Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (CMPE 160) course in the Spring 2021 semester.
💠 Essential object oriented design (python, pytest, travisCI)
Collection of all assignments of Software Design and Architecture Specialization on Coursera offered by University of Alberta.
Contains documentation & code related to the project done by my team for the Object Oriented Analysis and Design laboratory course of my college.
Grokking the Object Oriented Design Interview
Project-based learning on the topic Object-Oriented Design and Analysis also known as Low-Level Design ( LLD )
Solution to problems in "Cracking the Coding Interview" in C++.
SOLID Principles - in swift
Solutions to top low level design/object oriented design interview questions on CodeZym.
Low-level Design of a Cache in Java
Simple examples of object oriented design.
Created by MIT, Alan Kay
Released 1960