A curated list of Quarto talks, tools, examples & articles! Contributions welcome!
Mar 10, 2025
Quarto is an open source scientific and technical publishing system. Built on pandoc, it allows for the creation of reports, documents, websites, blogs, presentations, books, and articles in a variety of formats.
Quarto is supported by several coding tools, including JupyterLab, VS Code, and Neovim, as well as other text editors. It also has a powerful visual editor for pandoc Markdown. The output can be modified and extended via extensions, and Quarto supports the creation of custom extensions.
A variety of publication options are available, including Quarto Pub and GitHub Pages.
A curated list of Quarto talks, tools, examples & articles! Contributions welcome!
Pandas DataFrames as Interactive DataTables
rrtools: Tools for Writing Reproducible Research in R
Community developed Quarto Extension to Embed webR for HTML Documents, RevealJS, Websites, Blogs, and Books.
A writing workflow using Scrivener's style system + Pandoc for output…
A set of nice Quarto templates
Observable Plot in Jupyter notebooks and Quarto documents
A quarto extension for creating APA7 documents in .docx, .html, and .pdf formats
Easy scrollytelling in Quarto
Website sources for Applied Machine Learning for Tabular Data
Use Iconify icons in HTML-based Quarto documents (over 200,000 open source vector icons).
Templates to create CVs/Resumes with Quarto