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Ansible role for Logstash

Build Status

This ansible role installs Logstash through the official repository packages.

Supported Platforms

  • EL / Centos (6 / 7)
  • Debian (Wheezy / Jessie)
  • Ubuntu (Precise / Trusty)
  • AMZ Linux

Role Variables

The following role variables are defined in defaults/main.yml. For a detailed explanation about them you can take a look at the file.

logstash_version: 5.6.4

logstash_daemon_user: root

logstash_install_dir: /usr/share/logstash
logtash_conf_prefix:  /etc/logstash
logstash_conf_dir:    "{{logstash_conf_prefix}}/conf.d"
logstash_data_dir:    /var/lib/logstash

  - logstash-input-s3
  - logstash-output-s3

The defaults for the JVM config (jvm.options) are based on the values shipped by logstash

logstash_jvm_mem: 1g

logstash_config_jvm_defaults: |

logstash_config_jvm: "{{logstash_config_jvm_defaults}}"

The defaults for the daemon config (logstash.yml) are also based on the defaults shipped by logstash, but in this case, they values of logstash_config_daemon_defaults and logstash_config_daemon are merged using the jinja2 filter combine():

logstash_config_daemon_defaults: "{{logstash_data_dir}}"
  path.config: "{{logstash_conf_dir}}"
  path.logs: "{{logstash_logs_dir}}"

logstash_config_daemon: {}


Setting the configuration for input, filter and output is specified using the following special vars:

  • logstash_inputs
  • logstash_filters
  • logstash_outputs

This vars are expanded into their own sections input {}, filter {} and output {}, so you are free to specify whatever config suits you, i.e.:

- hosts: all

    - logstash_inputs: |
        file {
            path => "/var/log/nginx/access.log"
            tags => ["nginx"]
        file {
            path => "/var/log/nginx/error.log"
            tags => ["nginx"]

    - logstash_filters: |
        grok { match => [ "message", "%{HTTPDATE:[@metadata][timestamp]}" ] }
        date { match => [ "[@metadata][timestamp]", "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z" ] }

    - logstash_outputs: |
        stdout { codec => rubydebug }

    - { role: torian.logstash}

Installing additional plugins

By default, and just as an example, the role installs two plugins:

  - logstash-input-s3
  - logstash-output-s3

If you don't want them, or need to specify different ones, the just override the default setting

Logstash version upgrade

If you need to upgrade from a previous logstash version, the role can manage it. Specify an extra var logstash_upgrade=True and the package manager is going to install the latest available release that matches the major from logstash_version.