🌱 I’m currently learning Ruby on Rails! I am proficient in React.
📫 How to reach me tracycano3.14@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact I prefer to drink my iced shaken espressos before diving into code.
Please and thank you!
🌱 I’m currently learning Ruby on Rails! I am proficient in React.
📫 How to reach me tracycano3.14@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact I prefer to drink my iced shaken espressos before diving into code.
Forked from Code-the-Dream-School/intro-to-programming-cassiopeia
Forked from Code-the-Dream-School/intro-to-programming-section-5
Forked from Code-the-Dream-School/react-cockatoo
Base repository and wiki for the Cockatoo React class (January 2023-May 2023)