Generate a phar file from phpunit 3.6.12 (the last version to support PHP 5.2).
A PHP project I maintain (idiorm) maintains PHP 5.2 support and I wanted to ensure this wasn't broken by having Travis CI run the tests. Unfortunately, there was no easy way to run the tests as PHPUnit hasn't released a PHP 5.2 compatible release as a phar file and composer isn't supported on PHP 5.2 either.
PHPUnit used to be installed via PEAR prior to version 3.7, but the team stopped that PEAR server years ago so there wasn't a simple way to get PHPUnit 3.6.17 on PHP 5.2.
I also wanted to be able to run the tests locally on PHP 5.2 easily too.
You can get a compiled phar from the releases page.
Clone this repo down and run
composer install
composer run-script build
You'll now have phpunit-php52.phar in the project directory.
If you get a warning from Box about phar.readonly you re-run the command with
php -d phar.readonly=off composer run-script build
or you can disable it permanently you php.ini file.
./phpunit-php52.phar -c path/to/phpunit.xml
Here is a barebones .travis.yml
file to make use of this project to run tests on PHP 5.2.
language: php
- php: 5.2
dist: precise
before_install: pecl install phar
install: |
export X="$HOME/.build-deps/bin"
mkdir -p "$X"
curl -sSfL -o "$X/phpunit"
chmod +x "$X/phpunit"
script: $X/phpunit --colors --coverage-text
For a more involved configuration (including other versions of PHP etc) please see the one I wrote for Idiorm:
Note that it uses an environment var to ensure it only does all the extra work on PHP 5.2 and not the other PHP versions.