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Check out StartOut to see more of my work and how I apply my skills!
StartOut is a collaborative developer group founded by myself and @Gehrkej. A lot of my work is done over there, check out these projects to see my handiwork:
- todo-or-not
- golden-paths
- ToyGether
- Moment Eternal: Unnanounced roguelite PC game
- GitHub PR templates
Outside of my institutional education, I reach higher and strive to improve my knowledge and understanding of topics about which I am passionate. Here are a few indicators of the ongoing learning and practice I do in my own time!
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I have been coding since childhood. The year 2024 will mark a very exciting milestone for me, I will have been coding for over half my life come November. Throughout my life I have worked programming and scripting into virtually everything I do from music, to games, to family, to art, and so many other aspects that I couldn’t hope to enumerate because it is so ubiquitous. My passion for leadership and collaboration has led me to building a professional team of peers and developing products as a start up. I aim high because I know that I can rise to the occasion when tasked with a challenge; I've come up against what felt at the time like impossible gaps in understanding but have always been able to bridge what I know and what my experience as an excellent student has enabled me to learn as needed. My knowledge base and experiences are vast enough that I can effectively learn new skills and tools as if I had a head start of at least a year working with them. I never shy away from an opportunity to use a new tool or framework, I always dive in and aim to become a champion of the system for my team.
August 2024
- Human-Computer Interaction Focus, gave experience with user research, universal design tools GenderMag, and UI/UX design heuristics
- Cloud development classes, website won Hall of Fame recognition, gave experience with Node.js, Flask, MongoDB, and designing RESTful APIs
- Leadership roles in team projects, several projects per year with different members and different tasks gave flexible leadership experience
- Experience developing in and for Windows, Linux, and OSX environments (local and remote)
May 2019
- Graduate of Distinction, Commencement Speaker
- E-Learning platform taught effective use of technology and self-motivation
- Health Law classes instructed HIPAA, HITECH, as well as ICD-10 and CPT
- Intermediate anatomy and physiology
Integrate your TODO comments with GitHub issues, easy set up and no write perms needed
- Package uses GitHub API to generate issues from inline comments in the code with context
- Wrote CI/CD pipeline that tests with Pytest and Coveralls and deploys to PyPi
- Collaborate with open-source contributors to localize into three international languages
Templatize frameworks, pipelines, tools, and environments then use them right from the command line
- Defined a flexible and portable framework for defining tool and framework dependencies in YAML
- Wrote a CLI in Python for cloning and configuring templates on Windows, Mac, Linux
- Maintaining templates, list includes modern web app and will continue to grow
- Devised exhaustive testing suite across Windows, MacOS, and Linux with Python 3.8-3.12
Partnered with CMS Payer Provider PacificSource, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
- Project sponsored by industry CMS Payer PacificSource
- Team leadership role for 5 talented collaborators, guided through use of VCS and user-centric design
- Owned all CI/CD, GitHub integrations, workflows, deployed Docker cluster to Google Cloud Platform instance
- Utilized Python asynchronous programming to increase response time from 30s/record to 6s/record
Jan. 2019 - Dec. 2019 Peacehealth Ketchikan, Ketchikan, Alaska
- Roles included office support work, responding to security and safety calls, reporting to standards bodies
- Enhanced Computerized Maintenance Management System, increased asset coverage to include 200 more life safety assets, a 4x increase over old paper system
- Cooperated closely with other departments in crisis, responded to several cataclysmic emergencies including two plane crashes
- Organized meetings with internal and external C-suite executives concerning patient and employee safety
Python, JavaScript, GitHub Actions, Figma, IntelliJ IDEs, MS Office, leadership, project management, collaboration, unit testing, regression testing
Docker, Node.js, GitHub Environments, Cloud Deployment (GCP), PostgreSQL, Insomnia, SSH, Blender, Trello, Asana, Lua, Java, integration testing, C/C++, GitLab, Ubuntu, Software Development Lifecycle, universal design
Kubernetes, Assembly, QGIS, Jenkins, Golang, cybersecurity, DevSecOps
September 2024
July 2024
May 2019