A Test Kitchen Driver for Amazon EC2.
This driver uses the aws sdk gem to provision and destroy EC2 instances. Use Amazon's cloud for your infrastructure testing!
There are no external system requirements for this driver. However you
will need access to an AWS account. IAM users should have, at a minimum, permission to manage the lifecycle of an EC2 instance along with modifying components specified in kitchen driver configs. Consider using a permissive managed IAM policy like arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2FullAccess
or tailor one specific to your security requirements.
Please read the Driver usage page for more details.
This driver can determine AMI and username login for a select number of platforms in each region.
For Windows instances the generated Administrator password is fetched automatically from Amazon EC2 with the same private key as we use for SSH logins to Linux.
Currently, the following platform names are supported:
- name: ubuntu-10.04
- name: ubuntu-12.04
- name: ubuntu-12.10
- name: ubuntu-13.04
- name: ubuntu-13.10
- name: ubuntu-14.04
- name: centos-6.4
- name: debian-7.1.0
- name: windows-2012r2
- name: windows-2008r2
This will effectively generate a configuration similar to:
- name: ubuntu-10.04
image_id: ami-1ab3ce73
username: ubuntu
# ...
- name: centos-6.4
image_id: ami-bf5021d6
username: root
# ...
- name: windows-2012r2
image_id: ami-28bc7428
username: administrator
# ...
For specific default values, please consult amis.json.
There are 3 ways you can authenticate against AWS, and we will try them in the following order:
- You can specify the access key and access secret (and optionally the session
token) through config. See the
config sections below to see how to specify these in your .kitchen.yml or through environment variables. If you would like to specify your session token use the environment variableAWS_SESSION_TOKEN
. - The shared credentials ini file at
. You can specify multiple profiles in this file and select one with theAWS_PROFILE
environment variable or theshared_credentials_profile
driver config. Read this for more information. - From an instance profile when running on EC2. This accesses the local metadata service to discover the local instance's IAM instance profile.
This precedence order is taken from http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/index.html#Configuration
The first method attempted that works will be used. IE, if you want to auth
using the instance profile, you must not set any of the access key configs
or environment variables, and you must not specify a ~/.aws/credentials
Because the Test Kitchen test should be checked into source control and ran
through CI we no longer recommend storing the AWS credentials in the
file. Instead, specify them as environment variables or in the
If you specify a platform name of windows-2012r2
or windows-2008
Kitchen will pull a default AMI out of amis.json
if one is not specified.
The default user_data will add any username
with its associated password
from the transport options to the Aministrator group. If no username
specified then the default administrator
is available.
AWS automatically generates an administrator
password in the default
Windows AMIs. Test Kitchen fetches this and stores it in the
file. If you need to kitchen login
to the instance
and you have not specified your own username
and password
you can use
the administrator
user and the password from this file. Unfortunately
we cannot auto-fill the RDP password at this point.
The AWS availability zone to use. Only request the letter designation - will attach this to the region used.
The default is "#{region}b"
Deprecated It is recommended to use the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
or the
file instead.
The AWS access key id to use.
Deprecated It is recommended to use the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
or the
file instead.
The AWS secret access key to use.
The EC2 profile name to use when reading credentials out
of ~/.aws/credentials
. If it is not specified AWS will read the Default
profile credentials (if using this method of authentication).
Can also be specified as ENV['AWS_PROFILE']
Required The EC2 SSH key id to use.
The default will be read from the AWS_SSH_KEY_ID
environment variable if set,
or nil
Deprecated It is recommended to use the AWS_SESSION_TOKEN
or the
file instead.
The AWS session token to use.
Deprecated See instance_type below.
The EC2 instance type (also known as size) to use.
The default is "m1.small"
An Array of EC2 security groups which will be applied to the instance.
The default is ["default"]
Required The EC2 AMI id to use.
The default will be determined by the aws_region
chosen and the Platform
name, if a default exists (see [amis.json][ami_json]). If a default cannot be
computed, then the default is nil
Required The AWS region to use.
If the environment variable AWS_REGION
is populated that will be used.
Otherwise the default is "us-east-1"
The EC2 subnet to use.
The default is unset, or nil
The Hash of EC tag name/value pairs which will be applied to the instance.
The default is { "created-by" => "test-kitchen" }
The user_data script or the path to a script to feed the instance. Use bash to install dependencies or download artifacts before chef runs. This is just for some cases. If you can do the stuff with chef, then do it with chef!
On linux instances the default is unset, or nil
On Windows instances we specify a default that enables winrm and
adds a non-administrator user specified in the username
options to the Administrator's User Group.
The EC2 IAM profile name to use.
The default is nil
The price you bid in order to submit a spot request. An additional step will be required during the spot request process submission. If no price is set, it will use an on-demand instance.
The default is nil
Specify a proxy to send AWS requests through. Should be of the format http://<host>:<port>
The default is ENV["HTTPS_PROXY"] || ENV["HTTP_PROXY"]
. If you have these environment variables set and do not want to use a proxy when contacting aws set http_proxy: nil
Note - The AWS command line utility allow you to specify two proxies, one for HTTP and one for HTTPS. The AWS Ruby SDK only allows you to specify 1 proxy and because all requests are https://
this proxy needs to support HTTPS.
Deprecated See block_device_mappings below.
Size of ebs volume in GB.
Deprecated See block_device_mappings below.
if you want ebs volumes to get deleted automatically after instance is terminated, false
Deprecated See block_device_mappings below.
name of your ebs device, for example: /dev/sda1
A list of block device mappings for the machine. An example of all available keys looks like:
- ebs_device_name: /dev/sda
ebs_volume_size: 20
ebs_delete_on_termination: true
- ebs_device_name: /dev/sdb
ebs_volume_type: gp2
ebs_virtual_name: test
ebs_volume_size: 15
ebs_delete_on_termination: true
ebs_snapshot_id: snap-0015d0bc
- ebs_device_name: /dev/sdc
ebs_volume_size: 100
ebs_delete_on_termination: true
ebs_volume_type: io1
ebs_iops: 100
The keys ebs_device_name
, ebs_volume_size
and ebs_delete_on_termination
are required for every mapping.
For backwards compatiability a default block_device_mappings
will be created if none are listed and the deprecated
storage config keys are present.
The keys ebs_volume_type
, ebs_virtual_name
and ebs_snapshot_id
are optional. See
Amazon EBS Volume Types to find out more about
volume types. ebs_volume_type
defaults to standard
but can also be gp2
or io1
. If you specify io1
you must
also specify ebs_iops
If you have a block device mapping with a ebs_device_name
equal to the root storage device name on your
image then the provided mapping will replace the settings in the image.
If this is not provided it will use the default block_device_mappings from the AMI.
Option to launch EC2 instance with optimized EBS volume. See Amazon EC2 Instance Types to find out more about instance types that can be launched as EBS-optimized instances.
The default is false
AWS does not automatically allocate public IP addresses for instances created
within non-default subnets. Set this option to true
to force
allocation of a public IP and associate it with the launched instance.
If you set this option to false
when launching into a non-default
subnet, Test Kitchen will be unable to communicate with the
instance unless you have a VPN connection to your
Virtual Private Cloud.
The default is true
if you have configured a subnet_id,
or false
The primary private IP address of your instance.
If you don't set this it will default to whatever DHCP address EC2 hands out.
The place from which to derive the hostname for communicating with the instance. May be dns
, public
or private
. If this is unset, the driver will derive the hostname by failing back in the following order:
- DNS Name
- Public IP Address
- Private IP Address
The default is unset.
Deprecated Instead use the ssh_key
transport option like
ssh_key: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Path to the private SSH key used to connect to the instance.
The default is unset, or nil
Deprecated Instead use the connection_timeout
transport key like
connection_timeout: 60
The number of seconds to sleep before trying to SSH again.
The default is 1
Deprecated Instead use the connection_retries
transport key like
connection_retries: 10
The number of times to retry SSH-ing into the instance.
The default is 3
Deprecated Instead use the username
transport key like
username: ubuntu
The SSH username that will be used to communicate with the instance.
The default will be determined by the Platform name, if a default exists (see
amis.json). If a default cannot be computed, then the default is
On Windows hosts with the default user_data
this user is added to the
Administrator's group.
The following could be used in a .kitchen.yml
or in a .kitchen.local.yml
to override default configuration.
name: ec2
aws_ssh_key_id: id_rsa-aws
security_group_ids: ["sg-1a2b3c4d"]
region: us-west-2
availability_zone: b
require_chef_omnibus: true
subnet_id: subnet-6e5d4c3b
iam_profile_name: chef-client
instance_type: m3.medium
associate_public_ip: true
interface: dns
ssh_key: /path/to/id_rsa-aws
connection_timeout: 10
connection_retries: 5
username: ubuntu
- name: ubuntu-12.04
- name: centos-6.4
- name: ubuntu-15.04
image_id: ami-83211eb3
- ebs_device_name: /dev/sda1
ebs_volume_type: standard
ebs_virtual_name: test
ebs_volume_size: 15
ebs_delete_on_termination: true
- name: centos-7
image_id: ami-c7d092f7
- ebs_device_name: /dev/sdb
ebs_volume_type: gp2
ebs_virtual_name: test
ebs_volume_size: 8
ebs_delete_on_termination: true
username: centos
- name: windows-2012r2
- name: windows-2008r2
# ...
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- Report issues/questions/feature requests on GitHub Issues
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- Fork the repo
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Added some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
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Created and maintained by Fletcher Nichol (fnichol@nichol.ca)
Apache 2.0 (see LICENSE)