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GitHub create/update repo(s) secret

Allows you to set or update the value of a workflow secret in a single repo or in all your personal repos.

CI Quality Gate Status NPM


Workflow secrets are either scoped to a repository or to an organization if you want to share secrets between workflows in different repositories you can either use organization secrets or replicate the same secret in individual repositories.

If you are using personal (non organization) repositories then you are stuck with having independent copies of the secret in all the repos that needs them. And if you want to change the value then you need to replicate the change on all of them.

This utility is meant to allow you so create/update a secret value in all the repositories (that you own) in a single call. Or more interestingly update the value of a secret in all the repos that already have a given secret.

So far example if you use secrets to store tokens for third party (or external) services like sonarcloud or NPM you can use this utility to update the value of all repositories that have a given secret without affecting the ones that do not.

Pre requirements

  • node
  • gh-create-update-secret npm package
  • a Personal access token (PAT)

The package can be installed (globally) by calling

npm install -g gh-create-update-secret

Omit -g if you want to install it locally.

You will also need

A personal access token with the following scopes:

  • repo

Set an environment variable called GH_PAT with the value of the token

In windows use


In Linux use


The token is NOT persisted anywhere so you need to set it every time you start a new shell

Note if you have installed the package locally and not globally you need to make sure that node_modules/.bin (relative to install path) is part of path.


gh-create-update-secret --secret secretName --value secretValue [--repo repoName] [--update-only] [--set-on-fork]


  • secret The name of secret to create/update
  • value Secret value
  • repo (optional) If you you wish to create/update the secret of a single repo. You can specify a repo in format owner/repo or just repo (and then the owner is assumed of the PAT owner). If you omit this parameter then it will create/update all owned repos. (update-only is honored)
  • update-only (optional flag, default false). Update only on repos that already have the secret. This flag is great when you want to update en masse an existing set of secrets but don't want to add them to repos that do not have them.
  • set-on-fork (optional flag, default false) Will create/update secrets on forks, otherwise forks are ignored. (only if repo is not specified)'


Updates secret the sonartoken with value dummytoken on repository octocat/myrepo only if the secret already exists.

gh-create-update-secret --secret sonartoken --value "dummytoken" --update-only --repo octocat/myrepo

Sets or Updates secret the sonartoken with value dummytoken on repository octocat/myrepo.

gh-create-update-secret --secret sonartoken --value "dummytoken" --repo octocat/myrepo

Updates secret the sonartoken with value dummytoken on all repositories owned by the user that owns the PAT, but only if the secret already exists.

gh-create-update-secret --secret sonartoken --value "dummytoken" --update-only

Sets or updates the secret sonartoken with value dummytoken on all repositories owned by the user that owns the PAT.

gh-create-update-secret --secret sonartoken --value "dummytoken"'


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