Sample action that implements a version number incrementor.
Version can be in the format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-PRERELEASE
It's a little more lenient than semver since the components can be ommited (eg: MAJOR.MINOR)
You can increment major, minor or patch
Outputs a version
- uses: tspascoal/increment-version-action@v2
id: increment
version: 2.0-alpha
increment_type: major # major, minor or patch (it will thrown an error if the component type isn't present)
increment: 2 # optional. Default value is 1
- run: echo new version ${{ steps.increment.outputs.version }}
Warning this is just a sample. Use at your own risk :)
Note: Use v1 for node16 and v2 for node20 (recommended unless in an old runner version that doesn't support node20 yet).