Dynamically map key vault secrets obtained using the Azure/get-keyvault-secrets action.
This allows you to have different keys on keyvault (exempl with a dynamic preffix or a variable type) in the name and map them to fixed names so you can use it on your workflow with a fixed name without having to change your keyvault secret names.
The map is defined in JSON. It's an array of maps, whereas each element has a key and a value. The key represents the secret name in key vault and value is the name of the secret to be mapped.
In this example a secret in keyvault with the name KV_SECRET_NAME1
will be available as the output of this action as MAPPED_KEY1
The action supports two distinct operations
This operation allows you to get the keys to be passed [Azure/get-keyvault-secrets] action, this way you just need to define the keys on the map.
# Maps secret names in key vault with preffix-ENVIRONNEMT-VARNAME to VARNAME
kvMap: |
{"preffix-${{ github.event.inputs.environment_type }}-var1":"var1"},
{"preffix-${{ github.event.inputs.environment_type }}-var2":"var2"}
# Get the keys to be fetched from keyvault
- name: Get KV keys list
uses: tspascoal/keyvault-mapper@v1
id: kvKeys
operation: keys
map: ${{ env.kvMap }}
- name: Azure key vault - Get Secrets
uses: Azure/get-keyvault-secrets@v1
id: keyVaultSecrets
keyvault: your-keyvault-name
secrets: ${{ steps.kvKeys.outputs.keys }}
This operations maps value from keyvault based on the mapping so you can use them statically in your workflow.
The secrets passed from the Azure/get-keyvault-secrets
action will be available in the ouputs of this action, and the name of the
output(s) will be the mapped key.
# Maps secret names in key vault with preffix-ENVIRONNEMT-VARNAME to VARNAME
kvMap: |
{"preffix-${{ github.event.inputs.environment_type }}-var1":"var1"},
{"preffix-${{ github.event.inputs.environment_type }}-var2":"var2"}
# Get the keys to be fetched from keyvault
- name: Get KV keys list
uses: tspascoal/keyvault-mapper@v1
id: kvKeys
operation: keys
map: ${{ env.kvMap }}
- name: Azure key vault - Get Secrets
uses: Azure/get-keyvault-secrets@v1
id: fetchKeyVaultSecrets
keyvault: your-keyvault-name
secrets: ${{ steps.kvKeys.outputs.keys }}
- name: Map secrets
uses: tspascoal/keyvault-mapper@v1
id: keyVaultSecrets
operation: map
map: ${{ env.kvMap }}
secrets: ${{ toJSON(steps.fetchKeyVaultSecrets.outputs) }}
# Now you can use the secrets directly with the fixed name
- run: ./usescripts.sh
VAR1: ${{ steps.keyVaultSecrets.outputs.var1 }}