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Pytorch implementation of Noisy Student Training for Automatic Speech Recognition and Automatic Pronunciation Error Detection problem

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Automatic Pronunciation Error Detection (APED).

An APED system will first provide a predefined text (and, if necessary, a pre-existing voiceover for learners to listen to for reference). The learner's task is very simple: try to read this passage as correctly as possible. For example, a learner wants to learn how to pronounce the word “apple” (its phoneme sequence is “æ p l”), but the learner may mispronounce it as “ə p l”. In this case, we define the string "æ p l" as the standard pronunciation string and the string "ə p l" as the reader's string. The APED system will accurately predict where the user reads the wrong word "apple" in a specific position, thereby giving feedback to the learner so that the learner can promptly correct the mistake, gradually, the learner will improve your pronunciation.



    1. Training Conformer using Pre-training Wav2Vec2.0 Framework combined with Self-training technique Noisy Student Training for Phoneme Recognition problem.
    1. Find the longest common subsequence between the ground truth phoneme sequence and model-predicted speaker phoneme sequence to detect miss-pronunciation.




Type of Label

Label is phoneme sequence, extracted from bootphon/phonemizer.

Speech Dataset


  • Pretraining wav2vec2.0 Conformer: Using Pretrained of facebook/fairseq. Wav2Vec 2.0 Large conformer - rel_pos (LV-60).
  • Unlabel: LibriSpeech 360 hours remove label.
  • Label: Libri-Light 10h + LibriSpeech dev-clean, dev-other, dev-other. Total 25 hours.


  • Label: LibriSpeech test-clean 5.4 hours.

Dataset can get from here tuannguyenvananh/libri-phone.

Language Model

  • Language Model is 3-gram Witten-Bell LM, train on label phoneme corpus (too small)
Corpus No. Sentences Perplexity
Training: 80 % 8906 10.17
Testing: 20 % 2241 10.47


Phoneme Recognition

  • Metric: Phoneme Error Rate (%)
Model Greedy Decode Beam Search (with LM) Decode
Teacher 17.13 22.31
Student 12.66 25.45

The result show that:

  • The language model is not suitable for this problem because of the small amount of text data.
  • Student's PER is reduced by 26% compared to that of teacher, successfully implementing supervised learning technique for the problem of phonemic sequence recognition.

Some example on Phoneme Sequence Prediction

- Ground Truth Predict PER (%)
1 w aɪ ə t ʌ ŋ ɪ m p ɹ ɛ s d w ɪ ð h ʌ n i f ɹ ʌ m ɛ v ɹ i w ɪ n d w aɪ ə t t ɑː ŋ ɪ m p ɹ ɛ s t w ɪ ð h ʌ n i f ɹ ʌ m ɛ v ɹ i w ɪ n d ɪ 12.5
2 w aɪ ə n ɪ ɹ ə w ə l p uː l f ɪ ɹ s t ə d ɹ ɔ k ɹ i eɪ ʃ ə n z ɪ n w aɪ ə n ɪ ɹ ə w ə l p uː l f ɪ ɹ s t ə d ɹ ɔ k ɹ i eɪ ʃ ə n z ɪ n 0
3 ɔ l ɪ z s ɛ d w ɪ ð aʊ t ə w ə d ɔ l w ɪ z s ɛ d w ɪ ð aʊ t ə w ə d 6.25
4 aɪ s ɪ t b ə n i θ ð aɪ l ʊ k s æ z t ʃ ɪ l d ɹ ə n d uː ɪ n ð ə n uː n s ʌ n w ɪ ð s oʊ l z ð æ t t ɹ ɛ m b l θ ɹ uː ð ɛ ɹ h æ p i aɪ l ɪ d z f ɹ ʌ m ə n ʌ n ə v ə d j ɛ t p ɹ ɑː d ɪ ɡ l ɪ n w ɚ d d ʒ ɔɪ aɪ s ɪ t b ə n i θ aɪ l ʊ k s æ z t ʃ ɪ l d ɹ ə n d uː ɪ n ð ə n uː n s ʌ n w ɪ ð s oʊ l z ð æ t ɹ ɛ m b l θ ɹ uː ð ɛ ɹ h æ p i aɪ ə l ɪ z f ɹ ʌ m ə n ʌ n ʌ v ə d j ɛ t p ɹ ɑː n ɪ k l ɪ n w ɚ d d ʒ ɔɪ ə ɪ ɪ 10.2

Error Detection


Information Value
Grapheme why an ear a whirlpool fierce to draw creations in
IPA Phoneme w aɪ ə n ɪ ɹ ə w ə l p uː l f ɪ ɹ s t ə d ɹ ɔ k ɹ i eɪ ʃ ə n z ɪ n
Phoneme sequence length 32
Path to LibriSpeech test-clean test-clean/908/157963/908-157963-0030.flac

To perform error checking, change the letter form of the sample sentence to another word in turn, then recreate the IPA phonetic form, and then use the student model to predict and check errors using the longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm.

Generate IPA with bootphon/phonemizer and generate voice using Nvidia FastPitch's text-to-speech API

Example Name Grapheme Original Phoneme Sequence Phoneme Sequence Length
error_1 why an ear a weir pool fierce to draw creations in w aɪ ə n ɪ ɹ ə w ɪ ɹ p uː l f ɪ ɹ s t ə d ɹ ɔ k ɹ i eɪ ʃ ə n z ɪ n 32
error_2 why an ear a whirlpool fear to draw creations in w aɪ ə n ɪ ɹ ə w ə l p uː l f ɪ ɹ s t ə d ɹ ɔ k ɹ i eɪ ʃ ə n z ɪ n 31
error_3 why an ear a whirl pole fierce to draw creations in w aɪ ə n ɪ ɹ ə w ə l p l f ɪ ɹ s t ə d ɹ ɔ k ɹ i eɪ ʃ ə n z ɪ n 32

Above Dataset can get from here tuannguyenvananh/aped-sample.

Error Detection Result

Using the LCS algorithm to match the longest sequence between the real sample and the predicted sample, unmatched phonemes will be considered as pronunciation errors.

Example Name Predicted Phoneme Sequence Phoneme that unmatch by LCS Predicted Sequence Length PER (%) Result
error_1 w aɪ ə n ɪ ɹ ə w ɪ ɹ p uː l f ɪ ɹ s t ə d ɹ ɔ k ɹ i eɪ ʃ ə n z ɪ n ɪ, ɹ 32 6.25 Correct
error_2 w aɪ ə n ɪ ɹ ə w ə k l f ɪ ɹ t ə d ɹ ɔ k ɹ i eɪ ʃ ə n z ɪ n k 29 12.5 Wrong
error_3 w aɪ ə n ɪ ɹ ə w ə l p l f ɪ ɹ s t ə d ɹ ɔ k ɹ i eɪ ʃ ə n z ɪ n 32 3.125 Correct


Create Conda environment

conda create -n dev -c pytorch-nightly -c nvidia -c pytorch -c conda-forge python=3.9 pytorch torchaudio cudatoolkit pandas numpy

Install requirement packages

pip install fairseq transformers torchsummary datasets evaluate torch-summary jiwer wandb matplotlib

Login Wandb

wandb login <token>


Pretrained Checkpoint

You guys can get checkpoint file from here tuannguyenvananh/nst-pretrained-model.


The final report can get from here (Vietnamese version): graduation-thesis_v3.pdf.

Things to do

  • Restructure code.
  • Publish pretrained for Teacher and Student.

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