bpip-config is a configuration and reporting software for bpipe.
bpipe provides a platform for running big bioinformatics jobs that consist of a series of processing stages - known as 'pipelines', see also the bpipe documentation
How to install and use bpipe and bpipe-config:
source ~/.bash_profile
This will add some environment vars to your .bash_profile file
You need this in your enviroment (automatically installed in your .bash_profile with the install.sh script):
export BPIPE_HOME=/lustre1/tools/libexec/bpipe
export BPIPE_CONFIG_HOME=/lustre1/tools/libexec/bpipeconfig
bpipe-config [options] [command] [pipeline_name] [sample_dirs|project_dirs]
Print a list of available pipelines:
bpipe-config -p
Print a list of available commands:
bpipe-config -c
Generate a pipeline in local directory:
bpipe-config pipe <pipeline-name>
Generate a multi-sample project pipeline that works with illumina files structure:
bpipe-config pipe <project-pipeline-name> /lustre2/raw_data/Project/Sample_*
Generate a multi-sample project pipeline that works with illumina files structure for MULTIPLE PROJECTS:
bpipe-config project <pipeline-name> <Project1> <Project2>
Generate a pipeline and launch it with bpipe in a single command:
bpipe-config -b pipe <pipeline-name>
Generate a pipeline forcing overwrite of local files.
bpipe-config -f pipe <pipeline-name>
bpipe-config smerge <Project1> <Project2> ...
Available options:
-b,--batch Automatically execute bpipe in background (bg-bpipe)
-c,--commands Print a list of available commands
-f,--force Force files overwrite when needed (default=FALSE).
-h,--help Usage Information
-m,--email <arg> User email address (Es: -m user@example.com)
-P,--project <arg> Override the project name. If not provided will be extracted from SampleSheet in current
directory. Format: <PI_name>_<ProjectID>_<ProjectName>
-p,--pipelines Print a list of available pipelines
-s,--skip-sheet Skip SampleSheet checks
-v,--verbose Verbose mode
Available Commands:
config [dir1] [dir2] ... Configure current directory or directories in list (add
bpipe.config file).
pipe <pipeline name> [dir1] [dir2] ... Generate pipeline file in current directory or directories
in list (pipeline.groovy)
project <pipeline name> [dir1] [dir2] ... Generate a project pipeline for each directory in list
sheet <INFO> [dir1] [dir2] ... Generate a SampleSheet.csv file using the INFO string in
current directory or directories in list. SampleProject
format: <PI_name>_<ProjectID>_<ProjectName>
info <pipeline name> ... Get info on pipeline stages.
clean [dir1] [dir2] ... Clean .bpipe dir in current working directory or in
directory list.
jvm Get info on the JVM configuration
smerge <Project1> <Project2> ... Merge sample sheets from different Projects (for meta analysis)
json <dir1> <dir2> ... Build a input.json file for manual branches definition
Use: bpipe-config info <pipeline name> to generate and html page with info for the pipeline.
sheet command INFO argument format:
Here we will explore some general uses of bpipe-config.
Once you have installed bpipe and bpipe-config you can list the avaliable pipelines with:
bpipe-config -p
That returns a list of pipelines names:
exome_bam_recalibration_multi ------------> BAM Recalibration for a multiple bams (exomes): IOS CTGB 020
exome_bam_recalibration_single -----------> BAM Recalibration for a single bam (exomes): IOS CTGB 020
genome_bam_recalibration_multi -----------> BAM Recalibration for a multiple bams (genomes): IOS CTGB 020
genome_bam_recalibration_single ----------> BAM Recalibration for a single bam (genomes): IOS CTGB 020
bwa_aln_submit_lane ----------------------> DNA alignment with bwa aln+sampe (lane): IOS CTGB 009 [deprecated]
bwa_aln_submit_pair ----------------------> DNA paired ends alignment with bwa aln+sampe: IOS CTGB 009 [deprecated]
bwa_aln_submit_pair_nosplit --------------> DNA paired ends alignment with bwa aln+sampe (no splitting): IOS CTGB 009 [deprecated]
bwa_aln_submit_single --------------------> DNA alignment with bwa aln+samse (single file): IOS CTGB 009 [deprecated]
bwa_aln_submit_single_nosplit ------------> DNA alignment with bwa aln+samse (single file without splitting): IOS CTGB 009 [deprecated]
bwa_submit_lane --------------------------> DNA alignment with bwa mem (lane): IOS CTGB 009
bwa_submit_pair --------------------------> DNA paired ends alignment with bwa mem: IOS CTGB 009
bwa_submit_pair_nosplit ------------------> DNA paired ends alignment with bwa mem without splitting input fastq: IOS CTGB 009
bwa_submit_single ------------------------> DNA alignment with bwa mem (single file): IOS CTGB 009
bwa_submit_single_nosplit ----------------> DNA alignment with bwa mem (single file): IOS CTGB 009
exome_align_project ----------------------> exome project alignment with bwa: IOS CTGB 009
fastqc_project ---------------------------> FASTQC: quality control of fastq files - IOS XXX
genome_align_project ---------------------> genome project alignment with bwa: IOS CTGB 009
rnaseq_align_project ---------------------> RNA project alignment with soapsplice: IOS CTGB 009.
medip ------------------------------------> meDIP pipeline: IOS CTGB XXX.
depth_of_coverage ------------------------> GATK: calculate Depth Of Coverage from BAM files - IOS XXX
fastqc_lane ------------------------------> FASTQC: quality control of fastq files (lane) - IOS XXX
hsmetrics --------------------------------> CalculateHsMetrics, Quality control metrics for illumina exomes: IOS CTGB XXX.
rseqc ------------------------------------> RNA-seq quality control with rseqc: IOS CTGB 009.
vcf_metrics ------------------------------> Quality Control of VCF files: IOS CTGB XXX.
trim_reads_pair --------------------------> Trimmomatic, trim reads in current directory: IOS CTGB XXX.
trim_reads_project -----------------------> Trimmomatic, trim reads in current directory: IOS CTGB XXX.
WES_report -------------------------------> Whole Exome Sequencing report: IOS XXX
soapsplice_submit_lane -------------------> RNA lane alignment with soapsplice: IOS CTGB 009.
soapsplice_submit_pair -------------------> RNA paired ends alignment with soapsplice: IOS CTGB 009.
soapsplice_submit_single -----------------> RNA single file alignment with soapsplice: IOS CTGB 009.
htseq_count ------------------------------> RNA-seq reads count with htseq-count: IOS CTGB 007.
rna_seq_lane -----------------------------> RNA-seq complete pipeline for lane: IOS CTGB 009 + IOS CTGB 007.
xhmm_copy_number_variation ---------------> XHMM: copy number variation - IOS XXX
gfu_template_multisamples ----------------> PIPELINE FOR MULTIPLE SAMPLES IN SAME DIR: IOS CTGB #NUMBER.
gfu_template_singlesample ----------------> PIPELINE FOR SINGLE SAMPLE IN SAME DIR: IOS CTGB #NUMBER.
hello_world ------------------------------> A test pipeline
alleles_variants_calling -----------------> Human variants calling for alleles: IOS XXX
exome_variants_annotation ----------------> Human variants annotation: IOS 005
exome_variants_calling -------------------> Human variants calling for exome: IOS 005
genome_variants_annotation ---------------> Human variants annotation: IOS 005
genome_variants_calling ------------------> Human variants calling for genomes: IOS 015
To generate a hello_world pipeline in the currect directory you can use:
bpipe-config -s pipe hello_world
Note the use of options -s to skip the SampleSheet validation.
bpipe-config will generate the following files:
- hello_world.groovy : the bpipe pipeline file, see also the bpipe overview
- bpipe.config : a bpipe configuration file specific for our cluster (Pbs Professional), see also the bpipe resource manager if you want to launch the pipeline locally without sending jobs with qsub, remove this file
To launch this Hello World pipeline you use bpipe:
bpipe run -r hello_world.groovy
Where the option -r generate a report in the subdirectory doc
bpipe cleanup
to remove intermediate files!
In this example we will create a pipeline for a single sample.
Scenario: You have a working directory with some input files:
To align data with the rna_seq pipeline: enter working directory (make sure that you have a SampleSheet.csv in it) and generate the pipeline.groovy file
bpipe-config pipe rna_seq_lane
You can now run the pipeline in interactive mode (use bg-bpipe to run it in background)
bpipe run -r rna_seq_lane.groovy *.fastq.gz
Where the option -r produce an HTML report in the local sub-directory doc/
bpipe cleanup
to remove intermediate files!
Scenario: You have already aligned your data and you have collected all the bam files and the SampleSheet.csv in a directory called BAM:
To launch a bam recalibration on this samples:
bpipe-config pipe exome_bam_recalibration_multi
You can now run the pipeline in interactive mode (use bg-bpipe to run it in background)
bpipe run -r exome_bam_recalibration_multi.groovy *.bam
bpipe cleanup
to remove intermediate files!
Pipelines in category illumina_projects parallelize on multiple samples and follow the directory structure generated by the Illumina demultiplex software.
Scenario: In the raw_data directory /lustre2/raw_data/RUN_NAME/PINAME_PROJECTID_PROJECTNAME
, after demultiplex, a Project have this structure:
├── Sample_test_1
│ ├── SampleSheet.csv
│ ├── Sample_test_1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
│ ├── Sample_test_1_L001_R1_002.fastq.gz
│ ├── Sample_test_1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
│ ├── Sample_test_1_L001_R2_002.fastq.gz
│ ├── Sample_test_1_L002_R1_001.fastq.gz
│ ├── Sample_test_1_L002_R1_002.fastq.gz
│ ├── Sample_test_1_L002_R2_001.fastq.gz
│ └── Sample_test_1_L002_R2_002.fastq.gz
├── Sample_test_10
│ ├── SampleSheet.csv
│ ├── Sample_test_10_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
│ ├── Sample_test_10_L001_R1_002.fastq.gz
│ ├── Sample_test_10_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
│ └── Sample_test_10_L001_R2_002.fastq.gz
└── Sample_test_11
├── SampleSheet.csv
├── Sample_test_11_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
├── Sample_test_11_L001_R1_002.fastq.gz
├── Sample_test_11_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
└── Sample_test_11_L001_R2_002.fastq.gz
Don't launch pipelines directly in the raw_data directory, instead create a directory under
to launch the pipeline and store intermediate files.
My raw data are in:
I create a scratch dir to run the pipeline:
mkdir /lustre2/scratch/Kajaste/80_LV_Transcription
Enter scratch dir and launch bpipe-config pointing to samples in raw_data
cd /lustre2/scratch/Kajaste/80_LV_Transcription
bpipe-config pipe exome_align_project /lustre2/raw_data/131212_SN859_0138_AC2PGHACXX/Project_Kajaste_80_LVTranscription/Sample_*
- You will find a file called input.json in your scratch dir, that file store a list of SAMPLES and FILES RELATED to each sample:
"Sample_test_1": [
"Sample_test_10": [
"Sample_test_11": [
This files will be used by bpipe to generate the first branches (sample branches) of the pipeline and ensure that each sample use ONLY the files in the correct directory. To remove a sample just remove it from this file!
Run the pipeline with:
bpipe run -r exome_align_project.groovy input.json
Note that we use the input.json as input file for our pipeline.
behind the scenes:
the bpipe project pipelines make the following steps:
- Create a scratch sample dir for each sample in raw-data
- Copy in the scratch sample dir the SampleSheet.csv
- Run the aligment, merging and dedupliaction in parallel for each sample
- Move the final output (generally bam files) in a result directory (default: "BAM")
bpipe cleanup
to remove intermediate files!
We have added a prototype reporting system in bpipe-config. To report a project you should collect some files/info:
For Variants Calling Projects:
- create a working dir for the report and copy the project "PRE" SampleSheet.csv to the directory, the SampleSheet.csv with additional columns (Design, Lab Code, etc...)
- create a BAM directory and link/copy bam and bai files
- create VCF directory and link/copy Tier vcf files
bpipe-config pipe WES_report
- Modify the files autogenerated in the sub-directory report_data:
- rationale.md: an abstract (short description) for the Project
- stats.groovy contains a list of variables/infos used by the pipelines
- pedigree.ped: A ped file (optional)
PEDIGREE: If you have a pedigree (ped format), put it in the REPORT_DATA_DIR (report_data) directory
HEALTY EXOMES: If you DON't USE the exomes in HEALTY_EXOMES_DIR, please set with_healty_exomes:false and remove stage healty_exomes_info_gfu
To launch the pipeline
bpipe -r run WES_report.groovy BAM/* VCF/*
BE CAREFUL with this pipelines! For each sample you will create a new bpipe process!
DON'T USE MUTIPLE DIRS FOR MORE THAN 10 SAMPLES (you should use illumina projects pipelines)
Scenario: A working directory in /lustre2/scratch/PI_NAME/PROJECT_NAME with the following subdirs:
Where each sample directory contains input files and a SampleSheet.csv
Configure and generate a pipeline for each directory:
bpipe-config pipe rna_seq_lane Sample_*
This command generate a separate pipeline file for each sample and a file runner.sh to launch the pipelines in a single command.
Run the pipelines:
bpipe cleanup
to remove intermediate files!
for i in Sample_*
cd $i
bpipe cleanup
cd ..
- bin : executables
- config : configuration files
- data : test data
- local-lib : jar files
- misc : miscellaneous scripts
- modules : bpipe modules
- pipelines : bpipe pipelines
- src : bpipe-config source groovy code
- templates : groovy templates
- test-pipelines : modules and pipelines tests
gradle tasks
gradle test
gradle stage
gradle dist
- Gradle templates: https://github.com/townsfolk/gradle-templates
- JANSI tutorial: http://jameswilliams.be/blog/entry/240
- CSV FILES: http://www.kellyrob99.com/blog/2010/07/01/groovy-and-csv-how-to-get-your-data-out/
- test java compiled run with:
java -cp groovy-all:build/libs/jarfile bpipeconfig.BpipeConfig
java -cp /usr/local/groovy/embeddable/groovy-all-2.1.7.jar:build/libs/bpipe_config.jar bpipeconfig.BpipeConfig
From devel root dir:
export BPIPE_CONFIG_HOME=./build/stage/bpipeconfig-0.1 && ./build/stage/bpipeconfig-0.1/bin/bpipe-config
From data dir:
export BPIPE_CONFIG_HOME=../build/stage/bpipeconfig-0.1 && ../build/stage/bpipeconfig-0.1/bin/bpipe-config
sublime-gradle: https://github.com/koizuss/sublime-gradle
JAVADOC SNIPPETS: https://github.com/ekryski/sublime-comment-snippets
- TODOfix
- FIXMEnote
- NOTE/**
- Nicely formatted block comment/==
- Nice divider commentjdoc:c
- Java Doc style class commentjdoc:m
- Java Doc style method comment