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FD- / RPiPlay
Forked from KqSMea8/AirplayServerAn open-source AirPlay mirroring server for the Raspberry Pi. Supports iOS 9 and up.
palmd / Cp3u
Forked from uncle-bob/quarkcoin-cpuminerCPU miner for Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Quark
tumf / novius-os
Forked from novius-os/novius-osWith Novius OS, a next-generation CMS, turn your back-office into a web OS
tumf / candycane
Forked from ha1t/candycanea port of redmine to CakePHP from Ruby on Rails
tumf / OpenPNE3
Forked from openpne/OpenPNE3OpenPNE is a social network platform
tumf / media
Forked from github/mediaMedia files for use in your GitHub integration projects
Updated Aug 19, 2011
tumf / BehatBundle
Forked from Behat/BehatBundleBehat BDD framework integration bundle for Symfony2
ha1t / candycane
Forked from yandod/candycanea port of redmine to CakePHP from Ruby on Rails
tumf / sfJpMobilePlugin
Forked from yukikaoru/sfJpMobilePlugin携帯サイトの作成支援のsymfony用プラグイン
davglass / github-trac
Forked from pcapriotti/github-tracTrac plugin for github integration