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Arduino library for Nixie Pipe modules, created by JBR Engineering.

Arduino Library Installation


Download or clone this reposity folder into your Arduino libraries folder. Restart or open the Arduino IDE and head to File->Examples->NixiePipe for example projects.

Packages for Serial Firmware (np-serial)

General Methodology

The class uses the FastLED library to manage the daisy chained WS2812B on each Nixie Pipe PCB. The LEDs are split into 'pipes' using pointer offset addressing of 10 LEDs. Each pipe can then index the correct LED index for the current number to be displayed.

Pipes are set (display number, colour changed) prior to manipulation of the LED array using write. Reasoning behind this is to allow an array of pipes to be setup prior to the FastLED array changing. This allows fading and rainbow effects on the complete pipe array.

To optimise processor usage, the hardware level write to the WS2812Bs is not done until show is called; you will not see any changes on the display prior to this. As with the FastLED library, consideration must be made to the finite time required to transmit to a number of pipes and the fact that interrupts are disabled during this period. For this reason, when using Serial communication, polling show (for fade and rainbow), will cause erratic communication.


Nixie Pipe units (non-number display), must be placed at the start of an array (RHS) and are treated as an offset from the display number. For example, four Nixie Pipes with two Nixie Pipe units with have a maximum display number of 99 using setNumber. To set the unit, one must call a single pipe function set as setPipeNumber using the unit enum as the number. Eg:


Current Nixie Pipe unit enums: 'Prefix' (SI prefix), 'Unit' (SI units), 'Weather' (weather symbols). See 'pipe-units' in the 'examples/' folder.


See the examples folder for multiple usage cases. The basic process flow is as follows:

// Create pipes object holding FastLEDs and display buffers
NixiePipe pipes = NixiePipe(NUM_PIPES);

void setup() {
  // Begin LEDs
  // Clear display
  // Set brightness
  // Show clear and brightness;

void loop() {
	static uint8_t i = 0;
	// Set pipe array number
	// Show pipe array number;

Constructor and Begin

The constructor (NixiePipe(uint8_t n = 1, uint8_t units = 0)) can be overloaded with number of pipes and number of units. Number of pipes is inclusive of number of units (eg n=4,units=2 would be 2 number pipes and 2 unit pipes).

Call begin with or without the template LED_PIN. Without passing the LED_PIN, it will default to 6 - the pin used on the Nixie Pipe PCB.

Class Public Functions

Call these functions with your pipes object, eg.


Wrapper for FastLED show. Must be called after function call to make visible change on display.

setBrightness(uint8_t brightness)

Set array brightness (0-255), as FastLED library.

clearPipe(uint8_t n)

  • param1: Pipe number to clear.

Clear single pipe (set black). Must call show after to show changes.


Clear pipe array. Must call show after to show changes.


Write settings to pipes; sets current number LED on and clears all others. Should be called after settings change and before write

writeNumber(uint32_t num)

  • param1: New array number to display, should be less than getMax.

write new array number (clear previous).

writeSolid(CRGB c)

  • param1: New colour for pipe array.

write new array colour.

writeRainbow(uint8_t gHue)

  • param1: Rainbow hue, should be changed between calls.

write array rainbow, must be called repeatedly and with hue changing value.

writeFade(uint8_t step)

  • param1: Step to decrement LEDs other than current number.

As write but fades all other LEDs but decrement 'step' each call. Must be called repeatedly to create fading effect.

setPipeNumber(uint8_t n, uint8_t num)

  • param1: Pipe to set.
  • param2: New number to display, should be < 10.

Set new number to single pipe.

setNumber(uint8_t num)

  • param1: New array number to display, should be less than getMax.

Sets array number by automatically decimating to individual pipes. Will apply with unit offset if pipe units are present.

writePipeNumber(uint8_t n, uint8_t num)

  • param1: Pipe to set.
  • param2: New number to display, should be < 10.

Set and write pipe number (clear previous).

writePipeNumber(uint8_t n, uint8_t num, CRGB c)

  • param1: Pipe to set.
  • param2: New number to display, should be < 10.
  • param3: New colour for pipe.

Set and write pipe number with colour (clear previous).

setPipeColour(uint8_t n, CRGB c)

  • param1: Pipe to set.
  • param2: New colour for pipe.

Set pipe colour.

passSerial(HardwareSerial &serial)

  • param1: Serial object to use for debug output

Pass serial object to pipes for debug output.


GPL-3.0 - Please attribute back to this by some means, (link to repo, or if you dervive or clone any portions of the code. Copyright JBR Engineering Research Ltd.


Arduino library for my Nixie Pipe modules








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