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Scrape google search results without an API key with javascript/typescript.

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Runtime Support

google-sr does not support web environments, but it has been tested and confirmed to work on the following runtimes:

To get started, you can install google-sr using your preferred package manager:

npm install google-sr
# For pnpm/yarn/bun:
pnpm/yarn/bun add google-sr
# For Deno, either use the npm: specifier
# or import from


This example demonstrates some of the features of google-sr. For a bare minimum setup, refer to the examples/basic file.

import {
  OrganicResult, // Import the result types you need
  ResultTypes, // Import to filter results by type
} from "google-sr";

const queryResult = await search({
  query: "nodejs",
  // Specify the result types explicitly ([OrganicResult] is the default, but it is recommended to always specify the result type)
  resultTypes: [OrganicResult, DictionaryResult],
  // Optional: Customize the request using AxiosRequestConfig (e.g., enabling safe search)
  requestConfig: {
    params: {
      safe: "active",   // Enable "safe mode"

// will return a SearchResult[]
console.log(queryResult[0].type === ResultTypes.OrganicResult); // true

Note: By default, only results of type ResultTypes.OrganicResult are returned. Use the resultTypes option to customize the output.


Welcome to the 📦 monorepo of GSR Project.

🏠 This is the home to google-sr and its related packages & applications.


npm downloads for google-sr NPM license for google-sr npm version for google-sr


npm downloads for google-sr-selectors NPM license for google-sr-selectors npm version for google-sr-selectors


npm downloads for google-that NPM license for google-that npm version for google-that

This monorepo is managed with turborepo and uses pnpm workspaces.


This is not sponsored, supported, or affiliated with Google.

The source code within this repository is intended solely for educational & research purposes. The author (typicalninja) & contributors takes NO responsibility for any issues that arise from its use, such as IP blocking by Google. Your discretion in usage is advised.


GSR project has a mirror repository on codeberg You can find it here

  • All issues and discussion are limited to github & discord


Tests are written using vitest and can be run by using the test script.

Weekly tests are executed using a github action to ensure compatibility and catch breakage due to google changes

pnpm run test


This repository and the code inside it is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. Read LICENSE for more information.